What is the length of this object?
5 inches
What is the measurement of this object to the nearest inch?
5 inches
What is 1 1/2 inches?
What is 3/4 inches.
How many classrooms had 29 students?
4 classrooms
What is the length of this object?
4 inches
What is the length of the green crayon to the nearest inch>
4 inch
What is 3 1/2 inches?
What is 3 1/4 inches.
How many students in second grade have a height of 53 inches?
3 students
What is the measurement of this object?
2 inches
Measure the paper clip to the nearest inch.
1 inch
What is 5 1/2 inches?
What is 2 3/4 inches.
How many students had either 3 or 5 siblings?
three students
What is the length of this object?
3 inches
Measure to the nearest inch.
4 inches
What is 5 1/2 inches?
What is 5 1/4 inches.
How many days were there less than four cars sold?
3 days
What is the length of the carrot?
8 1/2 inches
Measure to the nearest inch.
2 inches
Measure the crayon to the nearest 1/2 inch.
3 inches
What is this object measured to the nearest 1/4 of an inch?
3 1/2 inches
What is the most common age?
10 years old