Higher Or Lower
Representation Through History
Inspired By Literature

Were there more women in STEM in the 1970s or in 2019.

There is 64% of Women currently working in STEM while there were only 19% in 1970.


One of the most famous female authors of all time wrote "Murder on the Orient Express"

Agatha Christie has become the best-selling novelist of all time. The Bible and Shakespeare are the only other books to beat her in sold books.


Famous Talk Show host. Known for giving out gifts to her audience.

Oprah Winfrey was taught to read at the age of 3 and used books to improve her growth to be where she is today.


Is there than or less than 30% of Women currently in the WorkForce?

More than-Currently Woman make up half of the Workforce today


First Women to win a Nobel Prize with their work in Radiation

Marie Curie won her first Nobel Prize in 1903 and then their Second in 1911 for discovering 2 elements.


First Female Astronaut 

Sally Ride was inspired to become an astronaut after she read that NASA was finally allowing Women to apply to be astronauts in 1977.


More than or less than 10% of Women are CEOs of companies. 

Less than 10%- Currently only 2% of Women are currently CEOs. But there are currently 10% of Women as CEOs in the Fortune 500 list which increased 26% since 2021.


The first Woman to Win a Pulitzer Prize for their novel.

In 1921 Edith Wharton was the first woman to win the Pulitzer prize with her Novel Called "The age of Innocence". She had won this award 4 years after the Pulitzer Prize was created.


Famous activists who worked with Martin Luther King Jr., as well as the author and director, wrote: "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings"?

Maya Angelou experienced many shortcomings and found comfort in books which partially inspired her to be who she was.

Are there more women or men publishing books?

Women are now the leaders in book publishing from 20% in 1970 to now more than half/


Who was the first woman to create the All Women's Journal in Japan?

Raichō Hiratsuka was a founder in 1911 in Japan. She posted many articles including one called"Reveal the genius hidden within us"


What Human Rights Activist uses Phone Cameras to help defend people's rights? 

Yvette Alberdingk Thijm was inspired by the children book Pippi Longstocking.


Are Men or Women selling more copies of Books?

Currently, Women are selling more copies of books than men. Revenue created has risen 10% as well as the diversity in books.


Who was one of the first Women to become a writer as their main profession?

Christine de Pisan of France in 1430 was a writer with many different pieces that talked about mysogny, and the oppression of Women.


Writer who Wrote Pride and Prejudice and Inspired many

Jane Austen was Inspired by reading in the library and reading Pieces by ShakeSpeare.
