In the number 34,356:
Which Numbers in the Ones place-value? How much does that number actually represent?
6 = 6 ones or 6
What is the word expanded form of 4,567
4 thousands+5 hundreds+6 tens+ 3ones
How would you say 8923
eight thousand, nine hundred, twenty-three
Is the number 34001 divisible by 10? How do you know?
No - it ends in a 1.
In the number 67,279:
Which numbers in the Tens place-value? How much does that number represent?
7 = 7 tens or 70
What would this number, 5678 in expanded form?
What is the word expanded form of 34,256
3 ten thousands + 4 thousands + 2 hundreds + 5 tens + 6ones
nine thousand, sixteen
Name your favourite movie
Free answer
Which digit is the Hundreds place-value? How much does that digit actually represent?
3 = 3 Hundreds or 300
What would this number, 25,678, in expanded form?
what is the word expanded form of 67,098
6 ten thousands + 7 thousands + 9 tens + 8 ones
How would you say 12,674?
twelve thousand, six hundred, seventy-four
What is the name of the bots you are programming with Ms. Pettitt?
In the number 48,234:
Which digit is in the Thousands place-value? How much does that digit actually represent?
8 = 8 thousands or 8000
What is the expanded form of 123,456?
234 hundreds + 34ones
2 ten thousands + 3 thousands + 4 hundreds + 3 tens + 4 ones
How many lines of symmetry in a regular square?
In the number 99,236:
Which digit is in the Ten Thousands place-value? How much does that digit actually represent?
9 = 9 Ten Thousands or 90,000
21 thousands + 50 tens
2 ten thousands + 1 thousand + 5 hundreds
one hundred, forty-three thousand, three hundred, six
What is Mr. Smith's favourite school-subject?