The temperature at which the animal does best
What is the POTZ or Preferred Optimum Temperature Zone
Number of chambers in a reptile heart
What is 3
A UV light at two short of a distance from the animal can cause:
What is sun burn, retinal burn, or predispose to melanoma
Group of animals that are 100% Carnivorous
What is All Snakes
The two portions of a turtles shell are called these (specifically)
What is Carapace (upper) and Plastron (lower)
An ectotherm is
what is an animal that cannot internally manufacture body heat
Lung that is fully functional in boids
what is the right lung, the left is usually vestigial
UVA or UVB is most important in calcium metabolism
What is UVB. UVA may be beneficial for mood and general well being
Downfalls of feeding goldfish
What is Source of Tape worms and High in fat
The heart rate can be dependent on what
What is Body Temperature, Body Size, and Periods of apnea
The use of a thermostat is beneficial because:
What is: it prevents a heating device (rock, heat pad, light) from getting too hot by shutting off the electricity to the element based on the temperature the probe is reading.
A fracture plate is:
What is A plane through the middle of a tail vertebrae that allows certain lizards to drop their tail as a method of escape
UV Lights generally need to be replaced at what time intervals
What is once a year for adults, once every 6 months for young/growing animals
Captive insectivores are usually fed a diet consisting of these things
What are mealworms and crickets
The glottis in a snake is so far forward for what reason
What is to allow respiration to occur even when the animal is slowly consuming a full/large meal.
Heliothermic animals
What is absorb heat from above (such as the sun)
Snake jaws are labeled as?
What is Kinetic
Appropriate ways to deliver UV spectrum to reptiles
What is from a UV bulb with proper wavelength positioned at least 18 inches away from the animal which is NOT hindered by a window, plexiglass or fine screening. OR 20-30minutes outside in bright sunshine each day.
What items in a herbivores diet should be avoided
What are Oxalates because it binds to calcium and fruits as the high sugar content can disrupt the normal GI gut flora
Respiration in reptiles is driven by:
What is the absence of oxygen
Thigmothermic animals
what is absorb heat from below (from the sun heating a rock or asphalt)
Spurs are:
what is vestigial pelvic limbs in snakes thought to maybe have a role in mating
What group of reptiles does not need an artifical UV source
What is the snakes, because they get active D3 in the liver of the prey they are eating.
These diets require vitamin and mineral supplementation
what are herbivores, omnivores, insectivores.
The lack of a loop of henle has this effect on reptiles?
What is cannot concentrate urine