Texas was in debt from the Texas Revolution and was facing security issued including Native attacks and threats to Mexico.
What is the reasons that Texas pushed for annexation by the United States.
Appointed captain of the Texas Rangers, helped boost morale among officers, and developed rigorous training.
Who is Jack Coffee Hays?
Brought new ideas and celebrations with them to Texas.
Who were European immigrants who settled in Texas?
Promoted peace and encouraged trade with Natives through treaties.
Set aside land in Texas for the development of public schools and universities.
Who is Mirabeau B Lamar?
The United States was concerned about the admission of a slave state.
Why was the United states initially opposed to annexing Texas.
Who is Mary Maverick?
The Comanche were massacred by Texas troops.
What is the Council House Fight?
What year did Anson Jones quote "The Republic of Texas is no more."?
Called the Texas Congress into session to accept annexation by the United States.
Who is Anson Jones?
Looking for better economic opportunities and cheap, fertile farmland.
What motivated immigrants to settle in Texas?
Blacksmith, Innkeeper, and landowner in Nacogdoches. He was the first successful African American businessman.
Who is William Goyens?
Signed the Texas Declaration of Independence, Member of the Texas Congress, Prisoner of war in Mexico.
Who is Jose Antonio Navarro?
Caused the Republic's debt to soar and its tension with Mexico to grow.
What is the Santa Fe Expedition?
The desire of the United States to expand its territory. ( Manifest Destiny )
What is the most contributed factor to the United States' decision to annex Texas?
Forced Natives out of Texas, Opposed annexation, President of Texas.
Who was Mirabeau B Lamar?
Texas became its own country.
What is a defining characteristic of the Republic of Texas era?
Texans attacked the Mexican town of Mier and were captured. Texans were ordered to draw beans to determine who lived and who would be executed.
What is the Mier Expedition?
Encouraged trade with Natives, Supported annexation, President of Texas.
Who was Sam Houston?
Texas Rangers
What replaced the Texas army?
What is the city that Lamar moved the capital to?