A court case that reflects Federalism?
McCulloch v. Maryland
How does the Engel v. Vitale landmark case reflect the topic of individual liberties?
Violation of first amendment, establishment clause.
U.S v. Lopez
How does the Wisconsin v. Yonder landmark case reflect the topic of individual liberties?
Violation of first amendment, free exercise clause.
How does landmark case McCulloh v. MD reflect the topic of Federalism?
Essentially Shapes/ establishes balance of power between Fed. govt. and state govt.
How does the Tinker v. Des Moines landmark case reflect the topic of individual liberties?
Violation of first amendment, freedom of speech
How does the landmark case of U.S v. Lopez reflect the topic of federalism?
Established that congress did overreach, preserving the system of federalism.
How does the New York Times v. U.S landmark case reflect the topic of individual liberties?
Violation of the first amendment, freedom of press.
How does the Gideon v. Wainwright landmark case reflect the topic of selective incorporation?
Supreme court incorporated 6th amendment into states, ruling they provide legal representation if this cannot be afforded.
How does the Baker. Carr landmark case reflect the topic of equality-voting?
How does the court case of Marbury v. Madison also uphold/ reflect the topic of federalism?
Establishes judicial review and highlights separation of powers, upholding the idea of federalism.
How does the Schenck v. U.S landmark case reflect the topic of individual liberties?
Supreme Court upheld Schenck's conviction ruling that freedom of speech could be restricted under the clear and present danger clause/ doctrine.
How does the McDonald v. Chicago landmark case reflect the topic of selective incorporation?
Supreme court incorporated 2nd amendment, "right to bear arms" to the states.
How does the Shaw v. Reno landmark case reflect the topic of equality-voting?
Established that redistricting with race as an influencing factor was a violation of the 14th amend. equal protection clause.
How does the Brown v. Board of Ed. landmark case reflect the topic of civil rights?