
What are the 3 parts of the attitude triangle? 

Thoughts, Feelings, Behaviors. 


What are the 3 severity levels? 

Low, Medium, High. 


What are the 3 B's? 

- Bugs, Blood, Bites. 


What is the the only topic Airbnb allows edits to reviews? (After they are posted)

Gender pronoun changes. 


What are the 3 parts of Maslow's Heirarchy of Human Needs? 

Safety, Recognition, Order. 


Give an example of a Low Severity issue? 

  1. Any of the following cleanliness issues are reported by the guest at the time of check-in:
    • Natural amounts of dust
    • Trash in receptacle
    • Old food left in fridge
    • Old or dirty upholstery (that is not classified as a sleeping space)
    • Stained carpets
    • Dishes were not thoroughly cleaned
    • Natural amounts of pet hair if pets live in or are allowed in the listing, if the presence of pets is known in the listing details
    • Listing dirty in spaces not immediately visible (under the couch, behind the fridge, etc)
    • Smell that is not strong
    • Dirty, dusty, unclean appliance (e.x oven, dishwasher etc)
  2. The cleanliness issue is able to be quickly resolved by the host, or easily resolved by the guest themselves. 

What are the best practices for getting rid of bed bugs for the guest? What do we tell them to do? 

  1. Instruct the guest to dispose of any of their belongings which are likely to be contaminated and cannot go in a tumble dryer

  2. Other contaminated items should be brought to a laundromat and tumble dried on the highest possible heat setting for 30 minutes to kill the bed bugs


What are 3 signs of a personality conflict?

- List of wrongs

- Snowball effect

- personal attacks. 


What are the 3 steps of mediation? 

Surfacing Interests, Generating Options, Communicating the Outcome. 


The guest reports seeing more than one low risk vermin in an interior space of the listing. What level of severity is this (for vermin)? 



Reservations within ___ days need to be canceled on the guest account if they have bed bugs. 



What needs to be included for a "qualifying" strike for Irate & Abusive Callers? (4 things)

Include the following details:

  • Details of the CS issue
  • Exact phrase(s) and/or behavior(s) that qualified strike
    • Stay descriptive, it is more useful if your notes are about what you did instead of how you felt
    • "Rudeness" or "Rude" are not qualifying descriptors for irate/abusive behavior
  • Total number of strike flags the user now has
  • Date previous strike flag was applied

How do we surface interests? 

- Asking "why" questions. 

- Why are you traveling?

- What interested you in this listing? 


The host is responsive to the guest’s contact, but is unwilling to assist in finding a resolution of the issue in the listing. What type of factor is this? 



What are we allowed to reimburse the host for when it comes to bedbugs? 

Initial inspection. 


What action would you take on this review? 

"I hated this Airbnb. The host was a doctor, and she works at Westside hospital. She didn't respond to my messages, and on top of that, forgot to send me check in instructions! For a doctor, you sure are stupid!"

Personal information. Hide the Review. 


What is the difference between a resolution and settlement? 

- Resolution: all parties agree. -Settlement: they can't agree, so you step in and issue an outcome based on policies and info in place. 


What is the Note Admin Flag to add when a host has a documented high health risk with documentation? 

Documented vermin violation:: (_ticket number_)


If bedbugs can't be confirmed, what are 3 critters it might be instead? 

Scabies, flies, mosquitoes, fleas. 


What word do we want to avoid saying about a guest who misses checkout? 

