Quantitative Methods
Qualitative Methods
Validity and Reliability

Question: This is the variable that is manipulated or changed by the researcher in an experiment. (Confounding, independent, dependent)

Answer: What is the independent variable?


Question: One strength of this qualitative method is that it allows researchers to watch and record participants in their natural environment, providing real-world insights.

Answer: What is observation?


Question: This term, coined by Carol Dweck, refers to the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort and learning.

Answer: What is a growth mindset?


Question: This type of validity ensures that a test measures what it claims to measure. (internal, external, construct)

Answer: What is construct validity?


Question: The statistic that measures the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables in correlational studies and meta analyses?

Answer: What is the r-value/Pearson's correlation)?


Question: This method of qualitative research involves the detailed study of a single case or small group over an extended period.

Answer: What is a case study?


Question: Carol Dweck contrasts the growth mindset with this mindset, which holds that abilities are static and unchangeable.

Answer: What is a fixed mindset?


Question: This refers to the consistency of results across different forms of the same test or study.

Answer: What is alternate forms reliability?


Answer: What is a correlational study?
Question: In this type of research design, the relationship between two or more variables is measured, but no variables are manipulated. (Metanalysis, lab experiment, correlation) 

Answer: What is a correlational study?


Question: Researchers often use this type of qualitative method to explore the underlying themes and patterns in a body of text or interviews. (Liner regression, thematic analysis, hypothesis)

Answer: What is thematic analysis?


Question: This type of study conducted by Curran and Hill involved integrating data from multiple past studies to analyze changes over time.

Answer: What is a meta-analysis?


Question: The degree to which a study’s findings can be generalized to or have relevance for settings, people, or times other than the one in the study is known as this.

Answer: What is external validity?


Question: This is the hypothesis that states there is no effect or relationship between the variables being studied. (null hypothesis, experimental hypothesis)

Answer: What is the null hypothesis?


Question: In this type of qualitative interview, participants are encouraged to speak freely, with minimal prompting from the researcher like a conversation. (Structured, semi-structured, unstructured)

Answer: What is an unstructured interview?


Curran and Hill’s meta-analysis included this number of studies to assess changes in perfectionism levels over the 27-year period.
(221, 164, 99, 423)

Answer: What is 164?


Question: Dr. Friedman's research on primate social behavior was conducted with a high degree of control which suggest that his results can be replicated with the same findings under similar conditions. The study demonstrates this type of validity. 

Answer: What is internal validity


Question: This technique ensures that every individual in the population has an equal chance of being selected for the study, helping to improve the external validity of the research by making the sample more representative of the population.  

Answer: What is random sampling?


Question: One limitation of this qualitative method is that group dynamics can influence participants to conform or just "agree with everyone else," leading to biased responses.

Answer: What is a focus group?


Question: According to Carol Dweck’s research, praising children for this characteristic can unintentionally reinforce a fixed mindset.

Answer: What is intelligence?


Question: A weight scale measures consistent over time. This is most analogous (an analogy) to which topic related to research?

Answer: What is reliability?
