Search Terms
Using Search Terms
Credibility/ Accuracy
MLA Format
Wild Card

A program that searches for resources using keywords on the internet is called a:

Search Engine


What search term would be the most effective when gathering information about local restaurants?

Restaurants near me


Janice is writing a report about digital cameras. Which of the following is likely to be the most credible and accurate source for her to use in her report?

A: an article about multiple brands of digital cameras, written by an independent reviewer in 2007

B: an article about one brand of digital camera, written by that camera manufacturer in 2017

C:an article about multiple brands of digital cameras, written by an independent reviewer in 2017

D:an article about one brand of digital camera, written by that camera manufacturer in 2007

C:an article about multiple brands of digital cameras, written by an independent reviewer in 2017

Scott used the following article from a website in his report.
Title: “Snowboarding Safety”
Author: Cora Lovejoy
Website title: Sportfile
Website publisher: Millenial Media
Date published: January 19, 2017
Date accessed: April 23, 2017

Which is the correct format for listing this source in his Works Cited?

A:“Snowboarding Safety,” Cora Lovejoy. Web. Millenial Media 19 Jan. 2017. Sportfile, Accessed 23 Apr. 2017.

B:Millenial Media, Sportfile, Web, 19 Jan. 2017. “Snowboarding Safety,” Cora Lovejoy. 23 Apr. 2017.

C:Sportfile, Millenial Media, Web, 19 Jan 2017. “Snowboarding Safety” by Cora Lovejoy. Accessed 23 Apr 2017.

D:Lovejoy, Cora. “Snowboarding Safety.” Sportfile. Millenial Media, 19 Jan. 2017. Web. 23 Apr. 2017.

D:Lovejoy, Cora. “Snowboarding Safety.” Sportfile. Millenial Media, 19 Jan. 2017. Web. 23 Apr. 2017.


Examples of Search Engines are?




Fire Fox


Adding quotation marks around your search term will help you to:

find the exact phrase


What search term would be the most effective when gathering information about peanut allergies?

peanut allergy symptoms

Rafael read the following information on the NASA website while researching for a report about the sun.

The sun is a star, a hot ball of glowing gases at the heart of our solar system. Its influence extends far beyond the orbits of distant Neptune and Pluto. Without the sun’s intense energy and heat, there would be no life on Earth. And though it is special to us, there are billions of stars like our sun scattered across the Milky Way galaxy. If the sun were as tall as a typical front door, the Earth would be the size of a U.S. nickel. The temperature at the sun’s core is about 27 million degrees Fahrenheit.

Which of the following is the best way for Rafael to accurately quote this information in his report while avoiding plagiarism?

A: According to NASA, if you compare the size of the Earth with the size of the sun, the Earth is about the size of a nickel.

B: The sun is “scattered across the Milky Way galaxy.”

C: According to NASA, “if the sun were as tall as a typical front door, the Earth would be the size of a U.S. nickel.

D: ”The sun is a “hot” star at the center of our solar system.

C: According to NASA, “if the sun were as tall as a typical front door, the Earth would be the size of a U.S. nickel.

Terese wants to use the following information in a report.

Quote: “Solar power accounts for less than 0.2 percent of energy that is produced in the United States.”
Page: 79
Title: “Facts about Solar Power”
Author: Laura Ann Granetti
Publisher: Energy Solutions
Publication date: November 2011
Complete the parenthetical citation for including this information in her report.
In the United States, “solar power accounts for less than 0.2 percent of energy that is produced” (_____).
Answer: _____

Granetti 79

Raquel used the following book in her report.
Title: Women in the American Civil War
Author: B.C. Thackston
Publisher: History House
Publication date: 2012

Which is the correct format for listing this source in her Works Cited?

A:2012, Women in the American Civil War, History House. B.C. Thackston.

B: Women in the American Civil War, B.C. Thackston, History House, 2012.

C: Thackston, B.C. Women in the American Civil War. History House, 2012.

D: History House, 2012. Women in the American Civil War. B.C. Thackston.

C: Thackston, B.C. Women in the American Civil War. History House, 2012.


Using the (-) will help to ___________ your search.



Which resource would be most helpful when creating a presentation about endangered elephants? Select the best option.

A:a dictionary entry for “endangered”

B:a chart that lists the number of elephants living in the wild

C:a magazine article about factors that lead to panda endangerment

D:a website that raises funds for species conservation

E: a photograph of the jungle

B:a chart that lists the number of elephants living in the wild


Lenny is writing a report about the Civil War. Which of the following are most likely to be credible and accurate sources for her to use in her report? Select the absolute best answer.

A: a user-uploaded video of a Civil War reenactment

B: a book that contains letters from soldiers who fought in the Civil War

C: a wiki with user-generated content about the Civil War

D: a map of the United States before and after the Civil War

E: an encyclopedia article about the Civil War

E: an encyclopedia article about the Civil War


What is the correct MLA Format for a work's cited page?

A: "title of Article." Title of Book. Publisher, date,first name

B: last name, first name."Title of Article." Title of Book.Publisher, date published. page. print/web

B: last name, first name."Title of Article." Title of Book.Publisher, date published. page. print/web


Melissa is writing a report about electric cars. She found the following sources during her research.

Source 1: “Electric Cars: Pros and Cons”

  • “Electric Cars: Pros and Cons” is an online article by a consumer reports team.
  • Published in May 2017

Source 2: “I Love My Electric Car”

  • “I Love My Electric Car” is an online review written by Sandy Simpson, a California businesswoman.
  • Published in January 2017

Source 3: “The Electric Car Forum”

  • “The Electric Car Forum “ is an online forum for electric car enthusiasts and people who want to learn more about electric cars. Any internet user with an account to this forum can contribute.
  • Last modified in May 2017

Source 4: “All About Electric Cars”

  • “All About Electric Cars “ is an online article on a wiki page, which any internet user can contribute to or modify.
  • Last modified in June 2017

Which of the following is likely to be the most credible and accurate source for Melissa to use in her report?

Source 1


Why would you use "Auto Complete" when conducting a google search?

Helps speed up the process 


Which of the following search terms is most effective when gathering information about Halloween?


B:Why do we celebrate Halloween?

C: Halloween movies

D:When is Halloween?

A: Halloween


James is writing a report about honeybees. He found the following sources during his research.

Source 1: “The Honey Bee”

  • “The Honey Bee” is an encyclopedia entry on a wiki page (a page that can be written and edited by anyone with access to the internet).
  • Last modified in June 2017

Source 2: “Honey Bees”

  • “Honey Bees” is an online article by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
  • Published in February 2017

Source 3: “Big Bob’s Bee Blog”

  • “Big Bob’s Bee Blog” is a personal webpage with photographs and posts by Robert Strickler, an attorney who has been backyard beekeeping for almost three years.
  • Last modified in May 2017

Source 4: “Bee Sting Remedies”

  • “Bee Sting Remedies” is an online article about how to treat bee stings, by a company that makes a powerful anti-itch cream.
  • Published in March 2017

Which of the following is likely to be the most credible and accurate source for James to use in his report?

Select one:

Source 1

Source 2

Source 3

Source 4

Source 2

Liam wants to use the following information in a report.
Quote: “The giant Pacific octopus is an exceptionally intelligent creature that can use tools, solve puzzles, and recognize faces.”
Page: 66
Title: Get to Know the Giant Pacific Octopus
Author: Jessica Hathaway
Publisher: Good Earth Publishing
Publication date: 2016

Which is the correct format for including a parenthetical citation for this information in his report?

A:Hathaway mentions that the giant Pacific octopus can “use tools, solve puzzles, and recognize faces” (66).

B:Hathaway mentions that the giant Pacific octopus can “use tools, solve puzzles, and recognize faces” (Good Earth Publishing, 2016).

C:Hathaway mentions that the giant Pacific octopus can “use tools, solve puzzles, and recognize faces” (Get to Know the Giant Pacific Octopus, page 66).

D:Hathaway mentions that the giant Pacific octopus can “use tools, solve puzzles, and recognize faces” (Jessica Hathaway, 2016).

A:Hathaway mentions that the giant Pacific octopus can “use tools, solve puzzles, and recognize faces” (66).

What is the correct MLA format for in text citiation?

(last name page #)


Which of the following will you get you better results when using search terms? 


B:Use (-) when possible

C:Use specific words

D:Use autocomplete

E:Use proper punctuation marks

F:Use quotation marks when possible

B:Use (-) when possible

C:Use specific words

D:Use autocomplete

F:Use quotation marks when possible


Which search term is most effective when gathering information about how to set up a tropical fish aquarium?

A:tropical fish for beginners

B:tropical fish breeding

C:tropical fish images

D:tropical fish in the wild

A:tropical fish for beginners


Sarah is writing a report about creating a butterfly garden. Sarah found the following facts during her research.

Source 1: The Lifecycle of a Butterfly

  • There are four stages of a butterfly’s life: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, butterfly


Source 2: Amazing Facts about Butterflies

  • There are over 17,500 butterfly species on Earth.
  • Butterflies taste with sensors located on their feet.
  • Butterflies are cold blooded and cannot fly in cold weather.


Source 3: Butterfly Habitat

  • Butterflies require 5-6 hours of sun per day and prefer some shelter from the wind.
  • They like nectar producing plants, such as lilacs.
  • Many butterflies like milkweed, violets, and marigolds.


Source 4: Butterfly Life Span

  • The average butterfly life span is one month.
  • Smaller butterfly species may life for about one week.
  • Larger butterfly species may live about nine months.


Which of these sources should Sarah use to write her report?

Select one:

Source 4

Source 3

Source 2

Source 1

Source 3

Kevin used the following article from a magazine in his report.
Title of article: “Top 10 Fuel-Efficient Vehicles of 2017”
Author: Russell Smith
Magazine title: Auto Enthusiast
Date published: February 2017
Page: 18

Which is the correct format for listing this source in his Works Cited?

A:Smith, Russell. Auto Enthusiast, Feb. 2017, p. 18. “Top 10 Fuel-Efficient Vehicles of 2017.”

B:“Top 10 Fuel-Efficient Vehicles of 2017.” Auto Enthusiast, Smith, Russell. Feb. 2017, p. 18.

C:Auto Enthusiast, Feb. 2017, p. 18. Smith, Russell. “Top 10 Fuel-Efficient Vehicles of 2017."

D:Smith, Russell. “Top 10 Fuel-Efficient Vehicles of 2017.” Auto Enthusiast, Feb. 2017, p. 18.

D:Smith, Russell. “Top 10 Fuel-Efficient Vehicles of 2017.” Auto Enthusiast, Feb. 2017, p. 18.


Olivia is writing a report about Yosemite National Park. Which of the following are most likely to be credible and accurate sources for her to use in her report? Check the two that apply.

A:an article about geographical features of Yosemite National Park that includes an author’s name and works cited

B:a wiki with user-generated content about Yosemite National Park

C:a government-maintained website about Yosemite National Park

D:a first-hand account of a traveler’s experience while hiking through Yosemite National Park

E:a website about camping in Yosemite National Park sponsored by a company that provides tour guide services

A:an article about geographical features of Yosemite National Park that includes an author’s name and works cited

C:a government-maintained website about Yosemite National Park
