An organized systematic way to find a solution
What is Research?
The type of questions used to obtain quantitative data in a questionnaire
What are close-ended questions?
An interview is a secondary source.
What is False?
Historical and ethnographic research are examples of this type of research.
What is Qualitative Research?
Micaiah designs a research in which she focuses on finding a solution to a local problem in a local setting. This type of research design is...
What is Action research?
Textbooks are secondary sources.
What is True?
This type of research depends on primary research.
What is secondary research?
The type of research in which the researcher designs and carries out surveys / focus groups
What is Primary Research?
The method of data collection that guarantees anonymity, however limits the scope for asking probing questions.
What is a Questionnaire?
Primary sources are ALWAYS reliable.
What is False?
A list of people with their first names in alphabetical order are numbered. The fifth person is chosen randomly, followed by every subsequent eight person. This type of sampling method is...
What is Systematic Sampling?
What is Direct Observation?
The research process in chronological order
What is:
1. Selection of topic
2. Research question
3. Thesis
4. Designing the research instrument
5. Gathering data
6. Recording data
7. Analyzing and evaluating data
8. Presentation of results
9. Review of Results?
C - Currency
R - Relevance
A - Authority
A - Accuracy
P - Purpose