Design Madness
Working for Social Justice
Words not Numbers
Numbers not Words
This design examines the characteristics of several groups at one point in time. The advantage of this design is the ability to collect information in a shorter time frame.
What is a Cross-sectional design
The process of raising the question of usefulness of the research findings for the process of social change.
What is Praxis
Is a situated activity that located the observer in the world. researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or to interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them
What is Qualitative Research
if the observed difference between the groups is too large to occur plausibly as a result of chance alone; results are _________ at the 0.05 or 0.01 level
What is Statistical Significance
A way of looking at the world composed of certain philosophical assumptions that guide and direct thinking and action…. a philosophical and theoretical framework or a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the research performed in support of them are formulated.
What is a Paradigm
Studies in which the researcher is interested in using one or more variables to project performance on one or more other variables (the criterion variables).
What are Prediction studies
The practice of exchanging things for mutual benefit
What is Reciprocity
The ability to utilize results from a study in other situations by looking at total context
What is Transferability
Statistics whose function it is to describe or indicate several characteristics common to the entire sample and summarize data on a single variable (e.g., mean, median, mode, standard deviation)
What are Descriptive statistics
Refers to participants who drop out during the course of the study. It becomes a threat to validity if participants differentially drop out of the experimental and control groups
What is Experimental Mortality
Study represented by X O
What is a One Shot Case Study
When community members who would be affected by the results of the evaluation are included in methodological decisions
What is Inclusive Evaluation
A research method designed to describe and analyze practices and beliefs of cultures and communities …. the study and systematic recording of human cultures.
What is Ethnography
This statistics branch assumes that data has come from a probability distribution and it makes inferences about the parameters of the distribution
What are Parametric Statistics
The ability to ________ the results from the sample to the population from which it was drawn; dependent on how representative the sample is of the population… It's often discussed in statistical terms
What is Generalizability
A method of allowing experts to contribute ideas concerning the important issues included in a survey.
What is the Delphi Technique
the extent to which action is stimulated by the inquiry process
What is Catalytic Authenticity
Involves the use of multiple methods and multiple data sources to support the strength of interpretations and conclusions in qualitative research ... Checking info that has been collected from different sources or methods for consistency of evidence across sources of data
What is Triangulation
An empirical way to reduce the number of variables by grouping those that correlate highly with each other
What is Factor Analysis
People who should be in the sampling frame but are not ... and the people who are truly ineligible but are in the sampling frame.
What are Coverage Errors
Includes a number of different techniques that are aimed at sharing learning between local people and outsiders. Structured Interviewing, Mapping techniques, ranking exercises, and trend analysis are used.
What is Participatory Rural Appraisal
Researchers working with persons in the community toward social transformation
What is Agency for Change
an autobiographical genre of writing and research that displays multiple layers of consciousness, connecting the personal to the cultural … a means to achieving personal transformation when the researchers place their experiences within the larger context of society...
What is Autoethnography
Type of high correlations that are due to some third variable (such as rural areas, hot weather, urban crowding)
What are Spurious
Of or relating to analysis or …_____; especially : separating something into component parts or constituent elements.
What are Analytic(s)