The prediction derived from a theory
What is a hypothesis?
What type of validity concerns whether a study's results can be generalized?
External Validity
62% of students experience high levels of stress during finals week." What type of claim is this?
Frequency Claim
What is the best way to reduce participant differences and confounds in a study?
Random Assignment
After hearing about a plane crash on the news, a person decides to drive cross-country instead of flying, believing that flying is more dangerous than driving, despite statistics showing otherwise.
What is the availability heuristic
Variables can either be manipulated or __________
What type of validity is questioned if the operational definition of a variables are unclear
Construct Validity
What kind of association is it when higher sleep hours are related to better grades?
Positive Association
85% of all teenage drivers text while they drive. What is the constant in this claim?
Teenage drivers
A person thinks the reason they won the basketball game was because of their lucky socks, but forgets about all the losses while wearing those socks.
What is present/present bias
What is the general, overarching, term for collecting data systematically and using it to develop, support, and evaluate theories?
Informed consent addresses which principle of the Belmont Report
What is Respect for Persons
A study finds that watching violent TV is associated with higher aggression, but we don’t know which came first. Which rule of causation is missing?
Temporal Precedence
These are factors that can influence a study's variables that can obscure the true relationship between the independent and dependent variables
While debating health benefits, someone searches for articles that only support their belief that a keto diet is the best, ignoring any contradictory evidence.
What is confirmation bias
This type of research bridges basic and applied research
What is translational research
What are the three principles of the Belmont Report
Respect for Persons, Beneficence, and Justice
Chewing gum before an exam leads to higher test grades. What type of claim is this?
Causal Claim
Measured and Manipulated
A friend tells you that they are using this new supplement that has transformed their life although all research studies show the supplement is ineffective. You decide to buy the supplement anyway.
Good Story/Narrative Bias
Research that is conducted in real-world contexts with supported theories
Applied Research
What are the two additional principles that are included in the APA ethics code beyond the Belmont Report
Fidelity/Responsibility and Integrity
"75% of students check their phones within 5 minutes of waking up." What type of claim is this?
Daily Double: If a researcher only studies depression in Native American women, which principle of the Belmont Report must they justify?
The principle of Justice
A person believes they are immune to advertising influence because they’re "too smart," yet they unknowingly buy products based on ads they’ve seen repeatedly.
What is bias blind spot