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To Experiment or Not to Experiment
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Is that valid?
_____ refers to the consistency or stability of a measure of behavior. 
What is reliability?
In the context of study of relationships between variables, _____ method involves direct manipulation and control of variables. 
What is experimental?
This research method is most effective for studying usually complex or rare phenomena.
What is a case study?
The accuracy of the operational definition of your variable. It measures what it was designed to measure.
What is construct validity?
A study that determines the relationship between two events.
What is correlation?
_____ reliability is the extent to which raters agree in their observations. 
What is Inter-rater?
In a _____ method, relationships between variables are studied by making observations or measures of the variables of interest. 
What is nonexperimental?
If zoologists wanted to study how tigers interact with each other in their habitats, they would use this observational method.
What is naturalistic observation?
A study has high _____ validity when strong inferences can be made that one variable caused changes in the other variable.
What is internal?
Smoking and lung cancer illustrate this correlation.
What is a positive linear relationship?
_____ reliability is assessed by measuring the same individuals at two points in time. 
What is test-retest?
In determining the cause of behavior, this principle considers the order when two events occur together
What is temporal precedence?
The research approach in which the researcher does not actually collect original data but analyzes already existing data is called _____.
What is archival research?
Alfredo is developing a test to measure an individual's anxiety in new situations. If the items on the measure represent the symptoms that define the anxiety construct, the measure is said to have _____ validity
What is content?
A study found that higher frequency of advertising resulted in fewer sales of the product being advertised. In this case, there is a _____ relationship between the frequency of advertising and the sales of the product.
What is negative linear?
_____ is a potential problem when measuring behavior which causes changes in an individual's behavior when he or she is aware of being measured. 
What is reactivity?
In order to conclude that watching television violence gives rise to aggressive behavior in children, researchers need to show that children who watch television violence behave aggressively and that children who do not watch television violence do not behave aggressively. This is called _____.
What is covariation of cause and effect?
A researcher codes the nonverbal behaviors of married couples while they are discussing child-rearing methods. The method of study used in this scenario is _____.
What is systematic observation?
In _____ validity, scores on the measure indicate behavior on a criterion measured at a future time
What is predictive?
This is when increases in the values of one variable are associated with both increases and decreases in the values of a second variable
What is a curvilinear relationship?
In the context of components of a measure, a test containing high _____ is associated with greater variability. 
What is measurement error?
Participants have an equal chance to be assigned to either an experiment and control group.
What is random assignment?
Dr. Baumgartner wants to study how a group of 4th graders spends time on different daily activities. He asks the children to indicate the amount of time they spend per day watching television, playing video games, and studying. This type of data gathering technique would be an example of a(n) _____ approach of data collection.
What is quantitative?
This is a limitation of using laboratory experiments to study relationships among variables
What is they have strong internal validity but limited external validity?

These correlation coefficients shows the strongest possible correlation.

What are -1 and 1?
