(Quasi) Experimental Design
Surveys and interviews
Survey Research
A research design that has treatment conditions, but lacks random assignment
What is …. A Quasi-experiment
Name 3 response styles
willingness to answer position preference yea-saying and nay-saying.
What is a correlation?
An analysis of the strength of the relationship between two or more variables.
What is survey research?
A research methodology that obtains data about opinions, attitudes, preferences, and behaviors using questionnaires or interviews
Why would we use a quasi-experimental design or a true experiment?
Because it is unethical or not possible to manipulate treatment conditions.
What is a response rate?
The percentage of people that respond to a survey
What are the four elements/parts of a correlation
linearity, sign, magnitude, and probability.
What are two advantages for using using the survey methodology
We can efficiently collect large amounts of data. ??Anonymous surveys can increase the accuracy of answers to sensitive questions. Surveys can allow us to draw inferences about the causes of behavior and can complement laboratory and field experiments.
What are two elements of a true experiment
Random assignment, At least one IV,
Define the following terms: Population and Sample
A population consists of all people, animals, or objects that share at least one characteristic.?? A sample is a subset of the population of interest (the population we are studying).
What type of graph is used to graphically display a correlation
A scatterplot
Define the following terms: Closed question and Open-ended Question
What is confidence, interval, and confidence interval? (bonus: what is error in relation to the CI and give examples of CI's for different disciplines)
Why would using a quasi-experimental design reduce our ability to make causal inferences?
Error is introduced due to an inability to control for individual differences
These are the three main types of reliability.
What are Test-retest/Temporal reliability; Internal consistency; Interrater reliability? (bonus, describe and give examples of all three)
What is the coefficient of determination?
An estimate of the amount of variability that can be explained by a predictor variable.
Name four of the main probability sampling methods
simple random sampling? systematic random sampling? stratified random sampling? cluster sampling
What are the Four elements of the Solomon 4 Group Design.
(1) a group that received the pretest, treatment ?and posttest?? (2) a nonequivalent control group that received only the pretest and posttest (3) a group that received the treatment and ?a posttest ?(4) a group that only received the posttest
Name the four scales of measurement. How are they related to the type of statistical analyses we can do. (Hint: which scalees of measurement tell us the most information)
nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio Interval and Ratio
What is a partial correlation or when would we use it? What other analysis is similar to a correlation, but attempts to predict the relationship between two variables?
1.) when we want to hold one variable constant to measure its influence on a correlation between two other variables. 2.) Regression analyis
Explain the difference between random sampling and convenience sampling. Why should we use random sampling?
Randomly selecting participants from the population. Obtaining participants based on availability. To reduce error and increase our ability to make causal inferences