Weeks 1, 2, 3
Weeks 4, 5, 6
Weeks 7, 9, 10
Weeks 11, 12, 14
Wild Card

The panel of people who review research protocols to ensure the safety of participants.

What is the Institutional Review Board (IRB)?

Describe one scenario in criminology research where the IRB would require modifications to a study's design.


The 2 main types of sampling methods.

What are probability sampling and non-probability sampling?

Provide an example of a criminology study that would require probability sampling and one that might use non-probability sampling.


_____ does not equal _____.

What is correlation; causation?

Provide an example in criminology where correlation might be mistaken for causation. 


The problem that many studies might be conducted but never reported, and they may include results that would substantially change the conclusions of a research synthesis.

What is the file drawer problem?

Propose a strategy to address the file drawer problem in criminological research.


The qualitative method researchers use when they have initial guiding questions but are free to move the conversation in any direction of interest that may come up.

What is an unstructured interview?

Describe a criminological topic where unstructured interviews would be the most effective method.


The type of hypothesis that assumes there is no difference between 2 groups.

What is the null hypothesis?

Provide an example of a null hypothesis related to criminology research.


The 4 levels of measurement.

What is ratio, interval, ordinal, and nominal data?

Classify the following variables into the correct levels of measurement:

  1. Sentencing category (e.g., probation, jail, prison) (___)
  2. The temperature in Fahrenheit during a crime (___)

The 2 types of survey research.

What is a questionnaire and interview?

What are the 3 types of interviews?


The 2 types of threats to conclusion validity.

What is type I error and type II error?

Define type I and type II errors. 


The level of measurement with a meaningful absolute zero.

What is ratio?

Explain how this level of measurement affects the types of statistical analyses you can perform.


A philosophical perspective and an approach to qualitative methodology that focuses on people’s subjective experiences of the world.

What is phenomenology?

How might phenomenology be used to study the experiences of victims of human trafficking?


The sampling method of selecting every nth unit.

What is systematic random sampling?

Describe one potential scenario in criminology research where this method could produce a biased sample.


An unobserved variable that accounts for a correlation between 2 variables.

What is the third-variable problem?

Identify a possible third variable in a study showing a correlation between poverty rates and violent crime. 


A post-test only design in which, after the fact, a pretest measure is constructed from preexisting data.

N  O X  O2

N  O     O2

What is the proxy pretest design?

What are the strengths and limitations of using a proxy pretest design in criminology studies?


The preferred method of sampling participants that live in a widely dispersed area.

What is an email questionnaire?

Give one advantage and one limitation of using email questionnaires in criminological research. 


The 3 essential principles for the ethical conduct of research identified by the Belmont Report.

What is Respect for Persons, Beneficence, and Justice?

Apply these principles to a criminological study involving incarcerated individuals.


The 3 unidimensional types of scaling.

What is Thurstone, Likert, and Guttman scaling?

Define Guttman scaling.


Define this notation’s type of experiment.

R  X  O

R      O

What is posttest-only randomized experiment?

How does randomization in this experiment type ensure internal validity?


Determine the level of variability in this t-test scenario.

P= 0.452

What is medium-variability?

Explain why variability matters when interpreting t-test results. 


A study can be said to have established _______ if plausible alternative explanations have been ruled out.

What is internal validity?

Provide an example of a criminological study with strong internal validity but limited external validity. 


The 5 units of analyses.

What are individuals, groups, artifacts, geographical units, and social interactions?

Choose one of these units of analysis and propose a criminology study that uses it. How would this choice impact the study's scope and findings?


The type of construct validity that compares the scores of one measure to scores on other measures that should be related.

What is convergent validity?

Explain how you could test convergent validity for a new survey measuring attitudes toward restorative justice. What would strong convergent validity indicate about the measure?


Fix this citation in APA format:

2014. S.N. Stolzenberg, & T.D. Lyon. Psychology, public policy, and law. How Attorneys Question Children about the Dynamics of Sexual Abuse and Disclosure in Criminal Trials. 20(1), 19-30.

What is Stolzenberg, S. N. & Lyon, T. D. (2014). How attorneys question children about the dynamics of sexual abuse and disclosure in criminal trials. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 20(1), 19-30. doi: 10.1037/a0035000?

Explain why fixing errors is important for scholarly communication.


The 2 key challenges Wilkes et al. (2021) identified in conducting mixed-methods systematic reviews in criminology.

What is integrating findings across methods and time & resource demands?

Suggest two potential solutions to overcome these challenges. Describe how implementing these solutions could enhance the utility of mixed-methods systematic reviews in criminology.


How many independent variables are involved in this factorial design? How many levels are there of each variable in this factorial design?


What is 3 independent variables? What is 2 levels for the first two variables and 3 levels for the last variable?

Design a criminological experiment that uses this 2x2x3 factorial design. Define the three independent variables and their levels.
