Survey Research
Non-Reactive Research

Dr. Smellie's survey question asked students to indicate their class standing as one of the following: Fresh., Soph., Jr., Sr., or Grad. He measured the variable at what level of measurement?

What is ordinal?


Reflects differences between the sample and population.

What is sampling error?


What is the problem with this measure of college-student age?

Please indicate your age:

(i) 17 to 18 years old

(ii) 19 to 20 years old

(iii) 21 to 22 years old

It is not exhaustive.


The classical experimental design contains a ________ group and a ________ group.

Experimental and Control. 


What is a major advantage of secondary analysis and content analysis?

It is unobtrusive.


 Harry got on the scale at 7:00 a.m. and weighed 295 pounds. At 7:02 a.m. he again got on the scale and weighed 200 pounds. At 7:04 he weighed 499 pounds. The measurement of Harry's weight has problems with

What is reliability and validity.


For this type of sample you want every possible sample of the desired size to have an equal chance of being selected.

What is simple random sample?

  • A bias in survey research in which respondents give a “normative” response or a socially acceptable answer rather than a truthful answer.

What is social desirability bias?

  • The group in an experiment that does not get the treatment.

What is the control group?


Explain problems with inferences and validity in content analysis research.

1) content analysis only describes what is in the text- can’t show causal relationships or causal inferences

2) The overarching problem of concept analysis research is the challenge-able nature of conclusions reached by its inferential procedures- it is subjective


Most social scientists do not accept a person's height in centimeters and millimeters as a measure of her or his intelligence because it lacks ____________.

What is validity?


This type of sampling gives a good estimation of the population at reasonable cost.

What is an economic sample?


A problem in survey research question wording that occurs when two ideas are combined into one question. It is unclear in such questions whether the answer is for one or both of the ideas in the question.

What are double-barreled questions.

  • A type of reactivity in which experimental subjects pick up clues as to the purpose of the experiment and modify their behavior accordingly.

What are demand characteristics?


The most valuable general source of existing statistics for studying the United States is:

What is the Statistical Abstract of the US?


Republican, Democrat, Green, Libertarian are examples of this level of measurement.

What is nominal?

  • People or units that engage in clandestine, deviant, or concealed activities and are therefore difficult for social researchers to locate and study.

What are hidden populations.


The big plus of these type of questions is that you're not placing any limits on the response. That means your survey respondents can tell you anything they feel is relevant and anything they want you to know.

What is open-ended?


During the course of her experiment, Yolanda learned that seven of the 12 clients in her new four-hour session had quit and walked out of the session before it was completed. What threat to internal validity does her experiment have?

What is experimental mortality.


This is important in any kind of non-reactive research because it tells researchers how two or more independent variables work together to impact the dependent variable.

What is interaction effects?


public displays of affection are how many times a couple holds hands/ hugs/ touches in public is an example of this.

What is operationalization?

  • A type of nonrandom sample in which the researcher begins with one case, then, based on information about relationships from that case, identifies other connected cases and continues the process again and again to capture a network of linked cases.

What is snowball sampling.


Identify FOUR of the ten things which you should avoid when writing survey questions and briefly explain each of the four.

1) jargon 2)ambiguity 3)emotional language 4) prestige bias 5)double barreled questions 6)beyond the respondent's knowledge 7)double negatives 8)false premises 9)future intentions 10) unbalanced response categories


A study  in which both the person implementing the experiment and the participant(s) are not aware of which individual is receiving the experimental treatment.

What is a double blind experiment?


A research technique used to make replicable and valid inferences by interpreting and coding textual material. By systematically evaluating texts (e.g., documents, oral communication, and graphics), qualitative data can be converted into quantitative data.

What is content analysis?
