Lit. Review
Data & Meas.
More Cause
Study Design

What ethical guideline(s) is are violated in the following study? A child therapist thinks the new, untested psychotherapy she recently developed is more effective than physician-prescribed medications for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. To research the effectiveness of her therapy, she tells parents that the therapy replaces the need for the medications and then provides the therapy to half of her clients, without telling parents about the study or which treatment group their child is in.

            A.   Voluntary participation and informed consent.

            B.   No harm to the participant.

            C.   Deceiving subjects.

            D.   All of these.


    D.   All of these.       



Name 2 electronic databases that you would use to conduct the literature search

  • SocAbstracts
  • PubMed
  • PsychAbstracts
  • Proquest
  • Google Scholar


Which of the following is the most serious threat to the internal validity of this study? (1 point)

A. Selection Bias

B. History

C. Attrition/Mortality

C. Attrition/Mortality


What are 2 methods of data collection

  • Written self-reports
  • Interviews
  • Direct behavrioal observation
  • Examining existing records
  • Obtaining relevant data from management information systems.

The 55-mph speed limit was introduced in the U.S. in 1973. Shortly thereafter the number of auto accidents declined. We can conclude that

            A.   The reduced speed limit caused the decline in auto accidents.

            B.   The reduced speed limit may have caused the decline in the number of auto accidents.

            C.   The reduced speed limit and the number of auto accidents are causally related.

            D.   The reduced speed limit had nothing to do with the decline in auto accidents.

B.   The reduced speed limit may have caused the decline in the number of auto accidents.


Which statement is true about qualitative methods?

A. Emphasize precise and generalizable statistical findings.

B. Are likely to tap deeper meanings.

C. Cannot be combined with quantitative methods in the same study.

D. Eschew objectivity entirely.

B. Are likely to tap deeper meanings.


Every kth element in a list is chosen for inclusion in the sample in

            A.   Simple random sampling.

            B.   Systematic sampling.   

            C.   Disproportionate sampling.

            D.   Cluster sampling.

            E.   Stratified sampling.

 B.   Systematic sampling.


Which of the following can harm subjects?

A. Having them face aspects of themselves that they do not normally consider.

B. Asking them to reveal their unpopular attitudes.

C. Asking them to identify their deviant behavior.

D. Allowing them to easily identify themselves in the final report.

E. All of these.

E.  All of these.


What is the difference between an annotated bibliography and a literature review?

A. There is no difference

B. A literature review synthesizes the information from all of the sources, while an annotated bibliography summarizes the content of each source individually

C. An annotated bibliography synthesizes the information from all of the sources, while a literature review summarizes the content of each source individually

B. A literature review synthesizes the information from all of the sources, while an annotated bibliography summarizes the content of each source individually


An interview with someone with a limited vocabulary who therefore does not understand the questions being asked is likely to produce

            A.   systematic error.

            B.   random error.

            C.   unreliable data.

            D.   both random error and unreliable data

D.   both random error and unreliable data


Which of the following is an operational definition of child abuse? 

A. A scale on parental disciplinary behaviors.

B. A report submitted by a social worker to a state agency.

C. Child’s report to teacher of excessive disciplinary actions by an adult.

D. All of the above.

E. None of the above.

D. All of the above.


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a cross-sectional study?

            A.   It is conducted at only one point in time.

            B.   It can be exploratory, descriptive, or explanatory.

            C.   It concentrates on the changes that take place within a specific sample over a period of time.

            D.   It provides a means for studying a large variation in the population at the same point in time.

C.   It concentrates on the changes that take place within a specific sample over a period of time.


Alex interviews the same survivors of a hurricane immediately after the hurricane and then again at 3 month intervals over two years to see how the effects of the hurricane on them change over time. Alex is conducting a: 

             A.   trend study.

             B.   cohort study

             C.   panel study.

             D.   cross-sectional study.

C.   panel study.


What are 2 non-probability sampling strategies?

  • Reliance on available subjects- convenience sampling
  • Purposive or judgmental sampling
  • Quota sampling
  • Snowball sampling

Informed consent includes which of the following? 

A. Participants are told what the study is about.

B. Participants are told what the research procedures are.

C. Participants are told their participation is voluntary.

D. Participants are told they may withdraw at any time.

E. All of the above

E. All of the above


Which of the following statements, as currently stated and without the need for rewording, comes closest to being a useful hypothesis?  

            A.   The provision of case management services reduces the number of days spent in institutions.

            B.   The provision of case management services should be increased.

            C.   The number of days spent in institutions can be decreased.

            D.   The greater the number of days spent in institutions, the fewer the number of days spent outside of institutions.

A.   The provision of case management services reduces the number of days spent in institutions.


Professor Seals gave an exam on Monday. On Wednesday Smith gave the same class the same exam. Professor Smith was clearly interested in assessing the exam’s

            A.   reliability.

            B.   validity.

            C.   face validity.

            D.   conceptualization.

            E.   precision.

A.   Reliability


What are 2 guidelines for asking questions?

Clear Items

Avoid Double-barreled Questions

Respondents Must be Competent to Answer

Respondents Must be Willing to Answer

Questions Should be Relevant

Study results are not useful if questions are not relevant to respondents

Short Items are Best

Avoid Words Like No or Not

Easy misinterpretation

Avoid Biased Items and Terms

Culturally Sensitive


Whenever two variables are correlated, we may assume that one is the cause of the other.



What are single  case design phases?

1. Operationalizing Phase: decide on how to measure

2. Control Phase: Baseline (repeated measures of outcome)

3. Experimental Phase: an intervention is introduced 

4. Control and Experimental Phase data are examined to identify coinciding shifts and trends in data to make inferences about the effectiveness of the intervention


You are doing research on hospital personnel—orderlies, technicians, nurses, and doctors. You want to be sure you draw a sample that has cases in each of the personnel categories. You want to use probability sampling. An appropriate strategy would be

            A.   Simple random sampling.

            B.   Quota sampling.

            C.   Cluster sampling.

            D.   Stratified sampling.

            E.   Accidental sampling.


D.   Stratified sampling


What are 2 elements should be included in an informed consent?

Purpose of the research

Procedures involved in the research

Alternatives to participation

All foreseeable risks and discomforts to the subject. Note: that these include not only physical injury but also possible psychological, social, or economic harm, discomfort, or inconvenience.

Benefits of the research to society and possibly to the individual human subject

Length of time the subject is expected to participate

Person to contact for answers to questions or in the event of a research-related injury or emergency

Statement indicating that participation is voluntary and that refusal to participate will not result in any consequences or any loss of benefits that the subject is otherwise entitled to receive

Statement regarding the subjects’ right to confidentiality and right to withdraw from the study at any time without any consequences


In the hypothesis, "Depression among adolescents results in poorer grade point averages ", the variable "grade point average" is:

Dependent variable


Reliability involves

            A.   whether a particular technique applied repeatedly to the same object would yield the same results each time.

            B.   ensuring accuracy.

            C.   ensuring that your measure measures what you think it should measure.

            D.   ensuring precision,

            E.   all of the above.

A.   whether a particular technique applied repeatedly to the same object would yield the same results each time.


What is a disadvantages of of written self reports, interviews, or examination of records?

- Difficulty some people have in understanding  wording or in the length and complexity of instrument
-Words may not match actions (want to portray self in good light)

-Social desirability bias (heightened when researcher is present).

- Practitioners may exaggerate records of time they spent with client if they think others will judge them. (systematic/social desirability)


What is a way to minimize attrition?

1. Provide reimbursement for participants
2. Avoid intervention or research procedures that disappoint for frustrate participants.
3. Utilize tracking methods on particpants


Inferential statistics are used to:

A. Test hypotheses

B. Make inferences from the sample to the target population

C. Describe the study sample

D. A and B

E. All of the above

D. A and B


You want to examine the relationship between family size and family cohesion. You use as your sample all the students in this research methods class. What kind of sampling design are you using?

            A.   Simple random sampling.

            B.   Quota sampling.

            C.   Cluster sampling.

            D.   Stratified sampling.

            E.   Available/ convenience sampling.

E.   Available/ convenience sampling


What are 2 key principles of ethical research I should be familiar with?

Value: the research must aim to enhance health or knowledge.

Scientific validity: the research must be methodologically sound, so that research participants don’t waste their time with research that has to be redone.

Fair subject selection: research participants should be selected fairly and equitably, and without personal bias or preference.

Favorable risk-benefit ratio: risks to the research participants should be minimized, and potential benefits should be maximized—the potential benefits to individuals and knowledge gained for society must outweigh the risks.

Informed consent: individuals should be informed about the research and provide their voluntary consent before becoming research participants.

Respect for enrolled subjects: research participants should have their privacy protected, the opportunity to withdraw, and their well-being monitored.


Emphasizes the production of precise and generalizable statistical findings

Quantitative Research methods


For a causal relationship to exist there must be evidence

            a.   of a relationship between variables.

            b.   that one variable precedes the other in time.

            c.   that a third variable did not cause the changes observed in the first two variables.

            d.   all of these.


d.   all of these.


A source of data in which research subjects all respond in writing to the same list of written questions or statements that has been devised to measure a particular construct.

self-reports scales


A threat to the validity of an experiment that occurs when participants drop out of an experiment before it is completed.



A p value is:

A. The probability that the research hypothesis is true

B. The probability that the null hypothesis is true

C. The probability that the null hypothesis is false

D. The probability that the null hypothesis is proved

B. The probability that the null hypothesis is true


What are 2 advantages to probability sample selection? 

  • Avoids bias
  • More representative than non-probability samples
  • Enables estimates to made of accuracY