This program is where we get case specific information
What is UCMS
This application is where we make and receive phone calls
What is Avaya?
This type of case may assist individuals with locating employment
What is Job Placement?
Confirmed Cases Require This Many Resources to avoid a sign off
What is Three to Five?
This type of list has a very strict template
What is Structured?
This is the email address that is used when calling out for the day.
What is
This is the application that is used to communicate quickly with coworkers and leadership
What is the Teams Appliaction?
This type of case will be provided when a participant has questions about child custody agreements
What is the Legal List
What type of resource can we provide, even if it's not a perfect match to the participant's request?
What is an Alternate Resource?
This type of case provides more freedom to include different types of resources that may be helpful to the participant
What is Unstructured?
This program is used for internal communication among WPO employees, and should never be used to communicate with a participant.
What is Outlook in the browser/Office 365 Suite?
This is the program used to locate a participant's contact information
What is ECMS?
This type of case may assist participants in locating resources to assist paying for basic needs
What is Financial Assistance?
What is the type of resource that we provide in a confirmed case, if the provider did not answer the phone, but may still be helpful to the participant?
In cases that do not have a strict template, how many resources are we required to provide?
What is 8-10 resources?
This is the username for most WPO programs used
What is firstname.lastname?
Where would you find specific contacts for different offices on base?
What is the Military OneSource Installations Website?
This contact information may or may not need to be included based on the information located in the survey for a job placement case.
What is the Workforce Center Contact Info?
What two additions are mentioned in the bottom half of a confirmed cover letter, that are not included in the bottom half of a list cover letter?
What are a Military Discount, and the Better Business Bureau?
What type of resources are not allowed to be included in list cases?
This is the website where we can locate information about upcoming activities within the company, including webinars, town halls and wellness activities.
What is Viva Engage?
These are the consultants that work in conjunction with the Work Life Consultants to provide Military OneSource Services.
What are Triage Consultants?
This type of case is created when a participant inquires about obtaining a green card for their parents
What is Military Citizenship?
These are three people that are included in your sign off chat
Who are - Michelle, Makala, Maxine, Ura, Daniel, Jaimee and Alise
What is the maximum number of lists that can be included in one case?
The limit does not exist