When you find a source you want to use, create a ________ card for it.
What is source
Lists information about sources you might use for your paper
What is a source card
A statement that can be proven to be true or false.
What is a fact
True or false: Wikipedia is a reliable source
What is false
This is an in-text citation for a _________:
(author's last name, page #)
What is a book
Supporting materials used to prove or disprove something.
What is evidence
taking credit for someone else's writing or ideas
What is plagiarism
True or false:
Nonprofit organizations, corporations, schools, government bodies. URLs end in edu, gov, gov, com. are usually reliable sources
What is true
This is an in-text citation for a _________:
(author's last name)
What is a website
Tell in your own words what a passage is about including only the central idea and most important supporting details. Does not include opinions or judgement.
What is summarizing
Believable sources are _______.
What is credible
Forgetting to add a source citation for a paraphrase.
What is accidental plagiarism
If a website doesn't have an author, that source might not be __________.
What is credible
This is an in-text citation for a _________:
("First few words of an article")
What is a website without an author
Before you proceed with your subject, ask a _______ that can guide your searches for sources.
What is question
Prejudice or favoritism toward one side of a subject or issue.
What is bias
A book, article, person, or other resource consulted for information.
What is a source
True or false:
A podcast can be a reliable source
What is true
This is an in-text citation for a _________:
(host name, timestamp)
What is a podcast
the legal right of artists, writers ad creators to control the copy and use of their work
What is copyright
a restatement or rewording of a paragraph or text, in order to borrow, clarify, or expand on information
What is paraphrasing
a complete listing of references cited parenthetically in the report and keyed on a separate page
What is a Works Cited page
What is support
All quotes from sources should have __________ around them when used in a paper.
What are quotation marks.