What time does visitation hours start and finish?
10am - Midnight
If you see two residents in a physical altercation, what do you do?
Call campus police. Call On-Call Phone. Crowd control.
Residents report the hot water to their bathroom sink isn't working.
Submit a maintenance request to your RD and let residents know it has been submitted and will follow up with them in a day or two.
A resident comes to you at 11:30pm to complain about the next room over being noisy. Show us how you would approach the loud room next door.
Remind residents of quiet hours and ask them to be respectful of others trying to sleep.
This dorm was constructed in 1996
What is the Residence Towers
What is the dorm rule on pets? What do you do if you see a resident with an animal in their room?
No pets allowed besides approves ESA animals. Ask residents to remove pet immediately otherwise animal control/campus police will be called.
A resident tells you someone stole their laptop from their room. What do you do
Tell them to call campus police for theft of personal belongings. Write IR
Resident reports a laundry machine isn't working properly. What do you do?
Ask which machine. Take picture of front so number and code of machine can be seen. Email picture to candee, cc chris.
You are locking up your building and notice a guest signed in but never signed out. It is now 12:20am. Show us how you would approach this situation.
Knock on the door, remind the resident of the visitation hours and the policy, politely ask the guest to leave.
In 1952, this dorm was completed as a female dorm.
What is Nellie Lee?
What is the rule in the dorms about smoking?
All EAC residence halls prohibit smoking, use of E-cigarettes, and/or the use of smokeless tobacco at all times. Smoking not allowed at any time near the entries of residence halls or near the windows of any hall rooms/suites. Smoking is prohibited at all times within a 50 foot perimeter of the roof line of any residence hall, under any overhangs or covered walkways/stairwells/seating areas connected to, or adjacent to a resident hall.
Who do you call in case of a mental health crisis? Minor suicide Ideations
Call the On-Call phone. They will come in person to determine if the RLO/Campus police needs to be called
The color of the disinfectant spray you use to spray on blood, urine, any other area with bacterial concern.
What is Blue?
Show us how an intentional conversation would go for a resident you don't know?
Ask questions to get to know where they're from, what they're studying at EA, and hobbies they're interested in.
During World War II, the college operated a civilian flight school preparing pilots for service in the armed forces. Even before the United States entered the war, pilots were being trained in expectation of our being involved. The dorm now named after this building served as the cadet barracks.
What is Wesley Taylor?
What times does quiet hours start and finish?
Name two signs a resident may have alcohol poisoning
vomiting, inability to stand/balance, pale or bluish skin, unresponsive/passed out, mental confusion
A resident says their outlets in their room aren't working. What do you do.
Go to break box at the entrance to your hall. Use your master key to see if any breakers have visibly been tripped. If so try flipping that break off then back on. If that doesn't fix the issue submit a maintenance request to your RD.
You receive a call from the RLO that a tip came in about an alcohol party in a specific room. You call campus police and they said it'll take them 30 minutes to arrive. They ask you to go knock on the door and address the situation until they get there. Share with us what you would say once you've knocked on the door.
Let them know the housing office was told a party was happening in the room and you'll need to do a visual search (if you can't see any alcohol)
Ask for identification from everyone in the room
Take pictures of IDs and any drugs or alcohol
Wait for campus police to arrive. Make sure non residents leave after CP shows up.
In 1964, this men's dormitory was completed.
What is Mark Allen?
How much does it cost to replace a Residence Towers key?
Fire alarm goes off in the Residence Towers. Explain the proper procedure to follow.
Go to panel. Look at code. Go check area code said set off alarm. If clear type in panel code and reset. Call campus police to call off. Reset elevator. Send email to candee, cc Chris. If not clear evacuate everyone on your way out and call 911.
What are the rules on taping things in the dorms.
Doors and windows are not to be taped with anything besides painters tape (blue) don't put tape on anything that can be painted.
You're working your desk shift and notice a resident crying as they walk by and go to their room. You go knock on the door to check on them.
Listen non-judgmentally to student to determine what is going on.
In a caring way ask important safety questions (if they are thinking about harming themselves or others/are considering suicide).
Upon disclosure, notify the student you are a mandated reporter and must report the situation to the On-Call Phone
Call the On-Call Phone, who will determine the need for in-person response, possible call to RLO and/or Campus Police/EAC Counselors, etc.
Generally, issues including depression, eating disorders, severe stress, death of a loved one, break-ups will not result in immediate in-person response from the On-Call Phone.
Complete an IR and contact will be made with the student next business day.
Generally, issues including non-lethal self-harm, lower level suicide ideation (no imminent risk), and elevated distress will result in an immediate in-person response from the On-Call Phone RD, but will not likely result in RLO being called.
This EAC basketball player lived in our dorms, played with Chris, started for the Phoenix Suns, and has now scored the most point in Euro League history. What is his name?
Mike James