True or False, most people have been teased or bullied at some point.
most people have experienced teasing or bullying at some point in their lives
Intent-> ______- >Impact. What belongs in the middle?
Filtering is when you are concentrating only on the negatives and do not think about the good things/positives.
Name four places you might feel anxiety in your body
dizzy, sweating, fast heartbeat, stomach aches, etc.
What does it mean to be a good sport?
trying your best, listening to others, encouraging teammates, helping teammates with skills/giving friendly tips, etc
Is there a difference between teasing and bullying (Yes/No)?
If yes, explain the difference.
Teasing: less severe than bullying, unintentionally hurting someone's feelings, (ex: a joke)
Bullying: Aggressive and threatening, typically more than one person (bystanders), repeated, intended to hurt our feelings.
Summarize what intent means
Thing in extremes. It's either right or wrong is called the ____ or ____Thinking
All-or-Nothing Thinking
Name three places you might feel anger in your body
fists, loud voice, jaw, etc
Name three ways good sportsmanship could be demonstrated during free time
saying “Good game”, continuing to play if losing, trying your best, using encouraging words to peers
Name three ways to show assertiveness in a conversation.
1- Posture
2- Eye Contact
3- Tone of Voice
What are two steps we can take to be more aware of our intentions and the impact of our behaviors
1. Thinking about what we expect to happen before we act
2. Asking yourself if someone said or did the same thing to you, how would it feel
3. Take the time to think about the best words and tone of voice to use
Name five of nine the thinking errors we discussed
1. Shoulds
2. It's not fair!
3. Blaming others/self
4. Personalization
5. Zooming-in-on-the-negative
6. Fortune Telling
7. Mind Reading
8. Catastrophizing
9. “I can’t!”
What were the three parts of anxiety
body, thoughts, and behavior
What three things can you do if someone else is not being a good sport?
1. set boundaries
2. speak up
3. use I-statements
4. ask them if they would be okay with being treated the same way
What are three things you can do with your body to project assertive behaviors when confronting someone?
1. posture
2. eye contact
3. tone of voice
Name three behaviors/actions that may impact someone negatively
1. uninterested facial expressions
2. closed body language
3. lack of eye contact
4. laughing at a joke someone makes about them
5. not responding to texts/messages
What thinking error does this describe:
“It’s all about me?"
Name one coping thought you could use to help you get through a scary time.
I can handle this, Stay calm, I can get through this, it probably won't be that bad
Name one relaxation exercise and one statement you can tell yourself when dealing with frustration during a game or sport.
1. Reminding yourself that the purpose of a game is to have fun (statement)
2. Take deep breaths (relaxation)
3. Tell yourself no one can have a perfect score (statement)
4. You can't always win (statement)
What are three of the four effective responses to teasing and bullying?
Give a real-life example of how to enact one of them.
1. Be assertive but don't overreact
2. Minimize contact with bullies
3. Avoid responding aggressively
4. Got to an adult for help
How would you repair a conversation with a peer after accidentally saying something that impacted them negatively?
Give two possible outcomes of this repair attempt.
Apologize, tell them that wasn't your intention when speaking to them, and carry on the conversation in a new direction.
1. they accept your apology
2. they don't accept your apology
3. your peer needs time and space to forgive and or forget
What are four of the seven off-mark thinking errors?
1. All-or-Nothing
2. Filtering
3. Catastrophizing
4. Personalization
5. Shoulds
6. It's Not Fair
7. Blaming Others
Pick two relaxation exercises discussed in the group, one for on-the-spot occasions/public places and one for private/at-home use.
Progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, yoga, Belly Breaths, Open-mouth exhales, one-nostril breathing,
Give an example of an I-Statement that can be used in a sports game when your opponent is making rude comments toward you.
" I feel _____ when you_________, please____.