Category #1
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Category #4
What is the theory that attempts to “understand the oppressive aspects of society in order to generate societal and individual transformation?”
Critical Race Theory (CRT)
What does Freire mean when he describe schooling as a “banking concept?”
Students are “containers” and are to be “filled” by the teacher. No communication between teachers and students. “Knowledge is a gift bestowed by those who consider themselves knowledgeable upon those whom they consider to know nothing.”
According to Freire this method allows students to be “co-investigators in dialogue with the teacher.”
Problem-posing method
What theory is “concerned with a progressive sense of a coalitional Latina/Latino pan-ethnicity and addresses issues often ignored by critical race theorists such as language, immigration, ethnicity, culture, identity, phenotype, and sexuality?”
Latina/Latino Critical Race Theory (LatCrit)
What does it mean that a CRT and LatCrit framework focus on the “centrality of experimental knowledge?”
They “recognize that the experiential knowledge of Students of Color are legitimate, appropriate, and critical to understanding, analyzing, and teaching about racial subordination in the field of education”
In Patrick Lee’s “In Their Own Voices,” what was the goal of the investigation?
The goal of this investigation was to provide the entire school community…with insights into perceptions of the varied causes of academic failure.
According to Paul Freire’s article, The Pedagogy of the Oppressed, how is oppression or “the oppressed” defined?
Oppression is characterized by distorting “man’s vocation of becoming fully human”
What oppositional behavior includes both a critique of oppression and a desire of social justice?
Transformational resistance
What are the two intersecting dimensions of resistance?
1. Students must have a critique of social oppression. 2. Students must be motivated by an interest in social justice
What are transformational mentors?
People who “use... their own experiences and expertise to help guide the development of other.”
Who are the visible members of one’s own racial/ethnic and/or gender group who actively demonstrate a commitment to social justice?
Transformational role models
How do “peer factors” influence a student’s academic resistance?
Peer pressure; students would rather smoke and drink with friends causing them to cut class; students also joined gangs because it gave them a sense of safety, belonging, and power; and a school’s negative attitude towards gang and students affiliated with gangs only pushed students further into gang involvement.
What are the “home factors” that make students resistant?
Lack of order or rules at home, lack of role models at home, financial problems, etc. No rules at home meant that no one would hold them accountable for their behavior; having no role models does not encourage a student to work hard; financial problems at home often means that a student has to work as well as going to school to help out his family.
“_____ factors were primary influences on students’ level of academic achievement.” What are the reasons under these factors that perpetuate resistance?
School; teacher-centered classrooms, perceived racism and discrimination against students, lack of student-teacher relationships as reflected in apathy.
What are some methods practiced by some teachers that make for effective learning?
Challenging curriculum and high expectations, interactive learning, closer relationship with students.
Who does Freire claim, is the only people that can free the oppressed from their oppressive state
The oppressed people themselves. They are the only ones that can free themselves from oppression and free their oppressors as well.
According to Paul Freire’s article, The Pedagogy of the Oppressed, why is it that the majority of the oppressed do not do anything about their situation? Why is it that they don’t try to change things? Don’t they want the freedom that is rightfully theirs?
Freire claims that the oppressed tend to conform to their situation instead of fight for liberation because the fight for liberation can sometimes be a scary/unknown/uncomfortable journey. Instead, the oppressed would rather succumb to their oppressors because at least it is something they are familiar with.
According to Paul Freire’s article, The Pedagogy of the Oppressed, what is the oppressors’ mentality of why the oppressed people are “oppressed?” What led the oppressed people to their current situation? According to the oppressors, who’s fault is it?
a. According to Freire, the oppressors believe that the reason why people are in a state of oppression is because of their lack of effort, incompetency, and their lack of “courage to take risks”. b. Oppressors believe that people are oppressed because of their own doings. They themselves put their lives into an oppressive state. c. Oppressors also believe that people of oppression do are “ungrateful and envious” and unappreciative of others “generous gestures”
According to Paul Freire’s article, The Pedagogy of the Oppressed, how should the people of oppression go about liberating themselves from their oppressive state? How should they go about understanding their current oppressive state?
Freire claims that in order for the oppressed to liberate themselves and attain freedom they must look at their current situation with a critical lens. They must analyze their situation realistically and understand the system of oppression with an objective perception. Freire says, One “must perceive his reality and understand it, in order to transform it.”
What does Freire say about the likelihood of the oppressed becoming oppressors themselves?
Freire explains that people of oppression often end up being oppressors themselves. This is way of living is one that they understand because they were so heavily involved in this oppressive system.