Summer Assistant on Call
Special Words

This individual is on-duty every night from 8pm-8am. They are at the front desk from 8pm-10pm. And they are supported by the Professional Staff Member On-Call, sometimes referred to as Director on Duty or DOD.

Who is the Summer Assistant On-Duty?


Residents are expected to carry their room key and ID at all times to gain entrance to a specific building/area and room. Rooms keys may not be duplicated or loaned to another person. These keys are the property of St. Mary's University and must be returned upon request. Keys are issued at check-in and must be returned upon checkout.  

What is our Keys and IDs Policy?


Practical Wisdom, or doing the right thing at the right time for the right reason. It allows for excellence while still being flexible. Doing a little bit more compared to a little bit less.

What is Phronesis?


Upon finding (blank) substances, or having reason to believe such substances exist, RL staff should immediately contact UPD. The SA/Professional Staff should wait until UPD arrives to confront the alleged residents. UPD deems (blank) substances a priority and will respond as quickly as possible. SAs should notify Professional Staff on-call.

What is our Marijuana & Controlled substances Procedure?


If an SA receives a phone call or comes across a concerned parent, friend, etc., regarding a student in the residence hall the SA should: Ask them for their name and call back number. Thank them for sharing with you and let them know you will attempt to make contact with the student.  

What is a Missing Person/Welfare Check?


Summer Assistants are required to walk through every floor and stairwell in occupied buildings. Summer assistants should also use this time to Socialize and engage with residents.

What are rounds?


Every instance that “this machine” malfunctions represents a potentially dangerous situation.  All forms of malfunction are to be immediately reported to Facilities by the Professional Staff On-Call. Staff should be able to report specific information about the issue.  

What to do during an Elevator Malfunction?


All new undergraduate students are required to attend this event. Throughout the program, new undergrad students are introduced to the St. Mary's campus community while they go through a checklist to make sure they are prepared for the first day of class.

What is Rattler Ready?


If there is suspected abuse or illegal use of this substance, SAs will: Analyze the situation, collect information, if possible (Student ID, Student Name, Room number), ask questions, take notes of brands, numbers. Look up ages of residents using StarRez to confirm the resident(s) age. If you can confirm illegal use, or abuse, call UPD, and share the information you know. Call DOD after UPD and share information.

What is the Alcohol Procedure?


A SA will conduct QPR if deemed necessary. You will assess the immediacy or the severity of the student’s potential for suicide. Pay attention to surroundings and signs when assessing immediacy and severity. Do not leave the student alone. Call UPD if an immediate threat to themselves is identified. Contact the Counselor On-Call and make them aware of the situation. Contact the Professional Staff member on-call and make them aware of the situation. 

What to do if a resident has Suicidal Ideations?


During this time, it is important that SAs document facts relevant to what is going on. If this is not something that you will formally document, then you might still share it with a professional staff member.

What is Documenting an Incident?


If a Summer Assistant sees a resident breaking this policy, they should approach the resident and let them know of ResLife policy, University policy and/or State law and that they are violating that policy/law.

What is the Smoking Procedure?


Between 5pm-8am on weekends and weekdays SAs can get a form, ask the resident to fill out and complete form. Residents must sign the form and they have the option to pay $5 cash up front or be charged $10 to their student account at the end of the semester. Between 8am-5pm SAs should encourage residents to go to Leies to get a temporary key.

What are Lockouts?


Residents with a registered disability with the St. Mary’s University Office of Student Accessibility Services may request to have an assistance, service, or emotional support animal in one of the halls with appropriate documentation from a doctor or other medical/social service professional verifying the need.

What is an A/S/ESA?


When it a appears, a student is entering a conversation regarding this kind of situation, inform the student all staff members have an obligation to notify the appropriate staff of the situation. SAs must share this with the Professional Staff On-Call and the SA and RL professional staff must share information through submission of a specific report. This is to ensure support for the student, as well as community safety.

What to do during a Title IX situation?


During any incident no more than 2 SAs should be present. Extra SAs should return to their room if not needed. This is to help our residents not feel attacked.  

What is the maximum amount of SA’s that should be present for an incident?


The Residence Life staff and University Police will enforce state and federal laws with regard to the use and possession of illegal drugs.  

What is our Marijuana & Controlled substances policy?


Smoking or use of this substance, which includes electronic cigarettes and similar devices, is prohibited on campus and in residence halls. The exception to this rule is the specific locations that are designating as smoking locations.

What is Tobacco?


SAs are expected to become familiar with approved ESAs in their area.  When unsure if the pet is an ESA, the SA should ask the professional staff member on-call. Once the SA or Professional Staff Member on-call identifies that there is an unauthorized pet around or inside a residence hall the RA must address the resident/guest and document the incident.

What to do with an unregistered ESA?


Telling jokes based on a stereotype, Stereotyping, Avoiding or excluding others, Calling a person or a behavior ‘gay’ as an insult, Making jokes or using stereotypes when talking about someone, Saying that all ______ [people of a certain group or identity] are _____ [stereotyping], Using a racial, ethnic, or other slur to identify someone, Imitating someone with any kind of disability, or imitating someone’s cultural norm or practice.

What is a Bias Related incident?


If UPD is present for an incident, the officer should be asked for a business card with the officer's name, to ensure correct spelling. If UPD is also making a report SAs should ask for a case number so it can be included in the SAs report.

What should a SA ask for from UPD?


Residents who are 21 or older can store and consume alcohol in their room. It should be clearly labeled whose it is. A resident is only allowed to have a 6pack of beer, 2 bottles of wine, or 1 bottle of hard liquor. Residents who are under 21 years old are not allowed to have alcohol or should not have access to alcohol.

What is our Alcohol Policy?


A federal law regarding the privacy of student records and the obligations of the institution, primarily in the areas of release of the records and the access to these records. Any educational institution that receives funds under any program administered by the U.S. Secretary of Education is bound by these requirements.

What is FERPA?


Flood: water is continuously flowing from a source and taking over an area, making it a non-livable and/or not utilized. Exterior door, hallway door, room door does not close or lock. No water, no hot water No air conditioning/No heat. Excessive pests. Broken window, anything that risks the safety of the resident and their room.

What is a facilities emergency?


In these types of situations, UPD should be called immediately to report the concern. When speaking with UPD: give a precise account of the accident/emergency, give a clear location using the name of the Residence Hall, floor number, and room number. State the nature of the problem and describe the severity of the emergency. And identify yourself and the student involved, and leave a phone number where you can be called back incase UPD needs to reach you.

What is a Medical Emergency?  
