Star Employee!
Schedule Snafus
Resource Team Fun Facts
Patient Centered Care
Boarding Fun

How do you know when you need to renew your FIT test in Employee Health?

The month of your birthday. (Don't wait for an email that you are overdue.)


If you don't like the unit/area/role you are assigned to, what are some possible next steps?

Email to update your preferred "red" unit, call staffing to ask if it's possible to be moved at the next schedule time.


What Resource Team member has been working at UWMC the longest?

Jeanne Nevistic


What does SOGI stand for?

Sexual orientation and Gender Identity


How many chair alarms do we have and where are they stored when not in use?

2, in the staffing office


How often are you expected to check your UW email?

Once a week, at a minimum. Ideally, every day you are at work.


Who is affected by a no call/no show or late sick call?

The staff caring for the patients you are assigned to (both off going and oncoming staff)

The charge nurses who have to rearrange assignments to cover patient care

The staffer who has to attempt to get ahold of you and escalate the situation to the leadership team

The House Supervisor who has to try to backfill your role, if possible

The leadership team who has to do follow-up with you (possibly with HR)

The scheduler who does a Kronos audit to ensure the schedule wasn't changed after posting (this has NEVER been the case)


Name all the specialty areas and roles held by Acute Care Resource Team nurses and PCTs

ED, NICU, PPU, House Supervisor, PTC (Patient flow), Transport Nurse, Transport PCT, Boarding Coordinator, Charge Nurse, Vascular Access


When do you use Theraworks?

Foley patients, q shift & after BM. Or if they are allergic to CHG.


Where are the fall matts kept and what should you do when you take one to use in for a boarding patient?

2SE and you should email


You have a question about your orientation, some kudos for a team member or a safety issue at work, who would you email?

Please don't email individual RN3s or Karalee unless there is a unique situation only involving that 1 leader. This decreases your chances of getting a response in a timely manner. 


What unit do you clock in and out on? (except when in the Transport or ABCC roles)

The unit you are assigned to.

Staff are expected to be present and ready at the start time of their shift (0700, 1100, 1900, 2300) and remain in that area until the end of the shift


How many PCTs currently work on the Resource Team?



Oh no! Your patient has fallen. After they are stable and the team has assessed them, what are your 5 next steps?

Post fall huddle, complete fall navigator, complete safety net, re-do fall assessment and add appropriate interventions (bed alarm, fall mat etc), and adjust sign outside of room


What should you do if you realize you accidentally left work with a phone from a boarding area?

Bring the phone back ASAP. Email, call staffing, email (any of the above, not all)


When should you renew your professional license?

Ideally, at least 7 days prior to it expiring. If there are extenuating circumstances, please reach out to to give us a heads up.


How do you know if the schedule in Kronos is final?

Look at the schedule calendar for the FINAL POSTING date. You'll get an automated email from Kronos. You'll often also get an email from the scheduling team.


What acute care unit (not boarding or ED) is the "greenest" unit for nurses? And what unit for PCTs?

4SE for nurses

7SE for PCTs


What is the best way to ensure staff on a unit/area can reach you if there is a phone call or issue?

Sign your phone number into EPIC, update it when you split shift


If boarding has a shared PCT, what is the best way to communicate between the staff in the 2 areas?

Ensure PCT has a boarding PCT iphone, start a group text or a group EPIC chat


What steps should you take if you get injured at work?

Seek medical attention if needed (ED or Employee health, or outside provider

Fill out a Safety net report



Name 3 ways you can maximize getting the schedule you want.

Enter preferred schedule in Kronos during open schedule period, enter "R" day into Kronos, participate in the draft

Typically, less than 5 people participated in the draft

The number of travelers on our team affects the scheduling process. Don't get too used to not being moved around, it will increase as we decrease traveler positions.


How many nurses currently work on the Acute Care Resource Team (including travelers and RN3s)?



What's the best part about working on the Resource Team?



Name 3 things you should do in downtime when you're working in boarding.

Ensure hygiene and mobility are offered on all patients. Do LMS, read the newsletter, offer breaks/help to coworkers, clean up supply areas, check (and respond to email), clean-up/wipe down work areas, offer help/breaks to other boarding areas. 
