The amount of money UMOM offers residents who self resolve their homelessness
What is $1,000?
Service you can use to find directions including bus routes
What is Google Maps?
Days that Circle the City is on campus
Monday and Thursday
Latest pick up time for the Child Development Center
What is 6:30pm?
The process for requesting donations
What is e-mail Arthur Perez?
Ratio of down payment matching by Newtown Community Development
What is 3:1? (up to $15,000)
A location you can always buy a half priced 30 day bus pass - exact change only
What is the front desk?
Individuals who qualify for WIC (name at least two)
Who are pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women, infants, and children up to age 5?
Individuals who provide transportation to The Boys and Girls Club
Who are the RAs?
Process for having issues fixed on campus
The app used to list housing opportunities through HOM Inc
What is Padmission?
How far in advance do you need to schedule transportation for appointments through ACCCHS?
What is 72 hours?
What is 0-24?
Requirements for obtaining a teen pass
What is regular school attendance and participating in an after school activity?
Hours the Family Housing Hub is open on the main campus
What is Monday 8-8; Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday, 8-4; Friday closed?
Individuals who are eligible for help at the Employment Center
Who is E V E R Y O N E?
Service that complements public transportation for people with disabilities
A way that medication can be dropped off on campus, even if they need to be refrigerated
What are PCH medication lockers?
Documentation needed for the CDC waitlist
What is a birth certificate, shot record, and DES childcare paperwork, and CDC wait list form?
The time limit for data compliance on case notes, HUD assessments, and HMIS entries
What is 72 hours?
Hours that Steve is in the Employment Center to help with resumes
When is Monday-Thursday 10a-2p?
What is the car purchasing program through LCSA called?
What is SHIFT?
The provider in the clinic who provides behavioral health referals
Who is Circle the City AND Phoenix Children's Hospital?
Individual who navigates all school related issues
Who is Paula Wilson?
Best thing to do when you're overwhelmed