Non-renewable resources are resources that, once they are used up, cannot be replaced. Which of the following is a renewable resource?

A. fossil fuels

B. silver

C. gold

D. solar energy

D. solar energy


Which of the following is the first step in the recycling process?

  1. collecting and sorting used products
  2. burning or burying unusable waste
  3. making new goods from recycled materials
  4. buying and reusing recycled goods
  • collecting and sorting used products

Enrique needs to buy a new pencil. How will natural resources play a role in getting that pencil?

A. Natural resources will provide the wood for the outside of the pencil, the rubber for the eraser, and the graphite to write with.

B. Natural resources will only provide the wood for the outside of the pencil.

C. Natural resources will only provide the graphite to write with.

D. All pencils are made from man-made resources, not natural resources.

A. Natural resources will provide the wood for the outside of the pencil, the rubber for the eraser, and the graphite to write with.


Underground currents provide heat to fuel this energy type:

Geothermal Energy


Which of these resources is the easiest to extract from Earth?

A. corn

B. iron ore

C. natural gas

D. petroleum

A. corn


Assertion: Resources that are drawn from Nature and used without much modification are called natural resources. 

Reasoning: Many of these resources are free gifts of nature and can be used directly 

A: Both Assertion and Reasoning are True and Reasoning is the correct explanation of Assertion.

B: Both Assertion and Reasoning are True, but Reasoning is NOT the correct explanation of Assertion.

C: Assertion is True, but Reasoning is False.

D: Reasoning is True, but Reasoning is False.

A: Both Assertion and Reasoning are True and Reasoning is the correct explanation of Assertion.


Mention any three principles of Sustainable Development.

Respect and care for all forms of life.
Improve the quality of human life.
Conserve the earth’s vitality and diversity
Minimize the depletion of natural resources.
Change personal attitude and practices towards the environment.
Enable communities to care for their own environment.


Nuclear power plants use water for cooling. When warmed water is returned to the river, it can kill sensitive organisms that cannot tolerate the increased temperature. This is an example of ________.

A. global warming

B. photochemical smog

C. thermal pollution

D. acid precipitation

C. thermal pollution


Copper is a natural resource. Name two ways people use copper.

It can be used for plumbing, electrical wiring, and coins.


What was the aim of PMKVY started in 2015?

The objective of this scheme is to encourage aptitude towards employable skills by giving quality training to probable and existing wage earners


What are the benefits of using public transportation in terms of resource conservation?

  • Reduces Energy Consumption.
  • Lowers Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
  • Decreases Air Pollution.
  • Reduces Traffic Congestion.

The use of this energy source creates CO2 emissions but gives us a lot of electricity at home.



Some natural resources are considered non-renewable because_______________________.

They take a very long time to form?


Improving the quality of people’s skills so that they are able to create more resources is known as: _________

Human Resource Development


Which of the following is a disadvantage of nonrenewable energy resources?

A.Resources such as geothermal or hydroelectric are not available at all locations.

B.Resources such as biofuels, even though they are replaceable, still produce pollution.

C.Resources such as natural gas are finite in their availability and are not replaced for millions of years.

D. Resources such as wind power or solar are not available at all times and require other resources as backup.

C.Resources such as natural gas are finite in their availability and are not replaced for millions of years.


How can historical events or cultural factors influence population distribution in a region?

1. Migration and Colonization:

  • Colonial Settlements
  • Forced Migrations.

2. Cultural Factors:

  1. Religious Practices:

    • Pilgrimage Sites
    • Linguistic Regions

Alisha says, "Over 70% of the world is made up of water, so we have plenty of fresh water to use."  Which of the following is true?

A. Alisha is correct.

B. Alisha is incorrect because most of the water on Earth is salt water.

C. Alisha is incorrect because most water on Earth is frozen in glaciers.

D.Alisha is incorrect because she fails to take into account how much water the average human uses on a daily basis.

B. Alisha is incorrect because most of the water on Earth is salt water.


Alex says that all of his toys are plastic, therefore, they don't require any natural resources to create.  Which statement below is true?

A. Alex  is correct.

B. Alex is incorrect because plastic is a natural resource.

C. Alex is incorrect because some plastic toys contain natural resources.

D. Alex is incorrect because he fails to take into account the processes for creating plastic toys, which often involve natural resources.

D. Alex is incorrect because he fails to take into account the processes for creating plastic toys, which often involve natural resources.


People can make the best use of nature to create more resources when they have the knowledge, skill and the technology to do so.

Explain the above statement with relevant examples?



The sum of all emissions of CO2 (carbon dioxide), which were induced by our activities in a given time frame. Usually calculated for the time period of a year.

Carbon Footprint


Sea animals are harmed by this specific form of pollution in the ocean because it may resemble food.



The river valleys of the world are densely populated while deserts have spare population. Explain why?

People prefer to live in the areas where fresh water is easily available. 


How does physical geography (like mountains, rivers, and climate) affect population distribution?

1. Mountains:

Barriers to Movement.
Climate and Livability.
Agricultural Challenges.

2. Rivers:

Water Supply.
Transportation and Trade.
Fertile Land.


The future of our planet and its people is linked with our ability to maintain and preserve the life support system that nature provides. 

What is our duty as Humans to preserve and protect our planet?

• all uses of renewable resources are sustainable

• the diversity of life on the earth is conserved    

• the damage to natural environmental system is minimized.
