In the School
In the home
In the Neighborhood
Towards adults
Towards your peers

How do you respect your teacher?

Listening and paying attention


How do you respect your parent/guardian? 

Listen to them, not talking back, showing appreciation. 


What is a good way to show respect in your neighborhood. 

Clean up trash on the floor and recycle


If an adult is talking what should you be doing?



How do you show respect to your peers?

Answers may Vary


If you do not understand a question in class how do you respectfully ask for help?

Raise your hand


What is another word for respect?

Answers may vary...


What should you do if you see your friend throw a rock at a window in your neighborhood?

Do not join him and tell them to stop


Ms. Shea raises her voice at you for something you did not do, how do you respond and continue to show respect?

Apologize and tell her you wont do it again


What is another word for friend?

Answers may vary as long as they make sense.


Someone blames you for blurting out, how do you show respect for your classroom ?

Saying sorry, raising your hand, taking responsibilities for your actions.


How do you show respect towards your home?

Cleaning it, Putting everything back where it was, not damaging it, and decorating it


What should you do if you see trash on the ground in your neighborhood?

Pick it up


At what age should the adult be when you feel you should show respect to them?

It doesn't matter you should show respect to everyone


Is sharing a sign of respect?



Your principal, asks you and your friend to stop running throughout the hallways. Your friend ignores the principal. What do you do?

Tell your friend to stop running and listen to the principal before you guys get into trouble.


Your mother directed you not to go outside the home but when you look outside, your friends are having fun playing games. Your friends yell through your window, "come outside Dave!" How do you continue to respect your home in this case?

Staying in the house and listening to your mother.


You see a woman knocking on your neighbor's door while also kicking it. What do you do to continue to show respect for your neighborhood? 

Tell the neighbor to just knock one time and to stop


Ms. H continues to tell you that you are not good at a game you were playing as she laughed and made fun of you. How do you respond?

Answers may vary


Do you show respect to someone who is not your friend?

Yes you how respect to everyone


Your counselor walks into to your classroom to check on you. How do you continue to show respect to your classroom?

Participating and raising your hand. Staying in your chair. 


Your sister/brother has gotten in trouble for not cleaning up the living room and blames you. How do you continue to show respect to your home while also clearing your name?

explain to your mother in a nice way what had happen.


You and your friend, Bobby are walking throughout the neighborhood and see your other friend, Nate writing on the brick walls. Bobby decides to join Nate. What do you do to continue to show respect?

Tell them how much trouble they can get in, tell them to stop, DO NOT join them


One of your coping skills is to walk away when you are angry however, your counselor informed you to report to her/him but you were angry and needed to use your coping skills. What do you do?

Use your coping skills and got to the counselor after


Both of your friends, Christian and Donovan get into a fight. Christian continued to smack Donovan in his head. It was clear to you that Christian was wrong, how do you let Christian know he was wrong by continuing to show respect to your friend Christian. 

It was wrong because violence is not the answer
