Teacher: Alright class, please pass in your homework and then we’ll head down to the assembly. Please remember that if you didn’t complete your assignment last night, you’ll have to finish it now rather than attend the presentation downstairs.
Student 1: That is so stupid! I did my homework. I just can’t find it.
Teacher: I’m sorry David , but everyone knew what was expected of them to be able to attend the assembly. This is also the third time you haven’t had your homework this week, so this will be a good time for you to catch up on work.
Student 1: But I did it! It’s not my fault if somebody took it or if fell out of my bag! This is not fair. I want to go to the assembly. David pushes and kicks his teacher to get her out the way so he can go to the assembly.
Is this a respectful way to treat your teacher?
Answer: No
Points: +3
Teacher: We’re going to continue discussing the American Revolution today. Yesterday, we left off with the Battles of Lexington and Concord…
Student: (whispering to another student, trying to get their attention) Hey, hey…Psssssst! Did you hear about Jasmine making the volley ball team?
Teacher: Excuse me, could you please stop talking during the lesson?
Student: Oh, I’m sorry Ms. Smith. It won’t happen again.
However, the student still continues to talk is that showing respect to the teacher or class?
Answer: No
Points: +2
When walking up to school is the respectful thing to walk on the grass or walk on the sidewalk?
Answer: Sidewalk
Points: +4
When walking to school you see a piece of trash on the ground you pick it up ,even though it is not your trash, and throw it away. Is this the respectful thing to do?
Answer: Yes
Points: +5
Jimmy is making jokes about his classmate, Tatiana, because she's from a different country. Though Tatiana can't hear him, Jimmy's friends can and they know its disrespectful to make fun of someone and their culture. If you were Jimmy's friends what would you do to show respect?
School Counselor will determine if answer is appropriate
Points: +10
Is making negative comments about yourself such as " I'm so fat"
" I will never be good enough"
" I'm so stupid"
ways of respecting yourself?
Answer: No
Points: +5
Teacher: Alright class, please take out your text book and turn to page 103 to begin today’s lesson.
Student: (Sighing loudly) Man, this is BORING! This class really BLOWS!
How could the student respond in a respectful manner?
School Counselor will determine if the answer is appropriate or not.
Points: -7
You spend the night at your friends house having a sleep over. Would it be respectful to leave your friends house a mess after the sleep over? Yes or No?
Answer: No
Points: +6
Your friend lets you borrow his xbox game. When you return it your friend finds the disc all scratched and the game not working. Was this respectful or not?
Answer: No
Points: -6
Amy and Jake are working on a project in computer class. In the middle of their research, the computer screen goes blank and they lose all their information. Jake gets mad and starts pounding on the keyboard. What could Amy do to help Jake show respect for the school's equipment?
School Counselor will decide if answer is appropriate
Points: -4
Student 1: Hey, have you heard this new band? I think they are really great! Take my headphones and listen.
Student 2: Are you kidding? This band sounds so GAY. They sound ridiculous!
Student 1: You think? I really like them
Sometimes if you hear comments like these commonly, you might assume they are harmless. Why are comments like this actually disrespectful?
School Counselor will decide if answer is appropriate
Points +9
Student 1: I really can’t stand that girl (pointing across the cafeteria). She is such a DORK.
Student 2: Yeah, I know. I mean, how many zits can one person have on their face?
Student 1: Tell me about it. It looks like she would at least buy some descent clothes. And seriously, she really needs some make-up with a face like that.
Student 2: I would just die if I had to sit by myself at lunch everyday like she does.
Student 1: (laughing) Yeah, how embarrassing.
What is disrespectful about this?
School Counselor will determine if answer is appropriate or not
Points: +2
You are on the bus riding home. You are chewing on a piece of gum. You decide to stick the chewed gum on the bottom of your bus seat. Is this respectful?
Answer: No this is not respectful to the school bus or school
Points: -10
Your older sister ask you not to mess with her diary but you are curious what she writes in the diary. What is the respectful thing to do?
School Counselor will determine if the answer is appropriate or not
Points: +7
Sarah's parents told her that she can't use the internet when they're not home. While Sienna is visiting, she suggests they play these fun new games that she just discovered on the internet. Sienna argues that no one will find out since Sarah's parents won't be home for a while. What should Sarah do to make sure that she shows respect for her parents and the rules?
School Counselor will determine if the answer is appropriate or not.
Student 1: Psst! Hey, Carrie…let me see your answer to number 3 on the test.
Student 2: (shakes head frantically while looking around to see if the teacher is watching)
Student 1: Seriously, let me see your answer! Move your cover sheet. No one will know.
Student 2: I really don’t want to cheat – it’s dishonest.
Student 1: If you don’t let me see your answer, I’m not your friend anymore…I mean it!
Is Student 1 a good friend? Why or why not? Is she being respectful to the teacher or her friend?
Answer: No
Points: +4
Student 1: (working on an assignment, and obviously having a hard time) I give up! I can NOT do this math work. I hate it! It’s just too hard and I’m not smart enough. I’m so stupid when it comes to math.
Student 2: Come on, knock it off. Don’t say that about yourself. You know you’re smart.
Student 1: That’s nice to say, but seriously…I give up.
Student 2: No, you aren’t going to give up. I’ll help you. Let’s work together, OK?
Student 1: I don’t know…
Student 2: I’m sure I can help you understand. I also had trouble at first and now I get it. Come on, pull up your desk.
Student1: Well…OK. Thanks. (Starts working along with Student 2.)
What in this situation is respectful?
School Counselor will determine if answer is appropriate or not
Points: +9
In the library you treat the books kindly, not tearing them, and putting them in the correct spot. Is this respectful?
Answer: Yes
Points: +6
You are in art class at school. You are working on your art piece when you notice your friend using the water paints and mixing all the colors together. Is this respectful or disrespectful?
Answer: Disrespectful
Points: +4
Some second-grade boys are playing basketball during recess. One boy, Ryan, keeps stealing the ball away from his friends so he can shoot a basket. He also pushes other kids out of the way while he's dribbling. What might you suggest to help Ryan show respect for his playmates?
School Counselor will determine is answer is appropriate
Points: +6
Is working out, eating healthy, and saying kind words to you a sign of self respect?
Answer: yes
Points: +3
Student 1: (looking up from his work) Hey! Check it out! There’s a fight in the hall…awesome! (Gets out of seat and heads for the door to see what is happening)
Student 2: (following student 1) This is going to be good! Fight! Fight! Hit him hard!
Student 1: I hope Jason wins! Student 2: No way man, my money is on Tyrone!
Student 1: (bouncing with excitement and yelling to other students) Hey, everybody! Fight in the hall! Fight in the hall! Check it out!!!
How is this situation disrespectful?
School Counselor will determine if answer is appropriate
Points: -1
At your house you leave your dirty dishes everywhere making your mom clean them up. Is this being respectful to your mom or your home?
Answer: No
Answer: No
Points: -5
One hot afternoon after recess, Katy is about to get in line for her drink of water. She is very thirsty, but her whole class is in front of her. Katy sees her best friend, Cindy near the front of the line. Cindy motions to Katy to cut in line ahead of her. What can Katy do to show respect for the other students in line.
School Counselor will determine if answer is appropriate
Points: -3