Respect (General)
Respect at School
Respect (General)
Respect at Home
Act Out

Respect means following the Golden Rule, What is the Golden Rule?

Treat others the way you want to be treated!


We show respect to our fellow students in class by working _ _ _ _ _ _ _  and remaining that way when ourwork is done.



True or False: It is ok to insult or make fun of other people as long as they don't hear you.



Your parent asks you if you followed your nighttime routine (shower, brush your teeth, etc.) and you say yes. You actually didn't. Who is this NOT showing respect for?

your parent AND you


Show what it looks and sounds like to be a respectful listener.

Criss cross applesauce, voices off, ears listening, eyes watching.


When we talk about respect, who are the people you should respect in your classroom? 

Teachers, other students...everybody!


True or False: You only have to show respect to another student if you like them.



Your friend invites you to their house after school. They only live a few houses down, so you grab your bike and go without telling your family. Who are you showing a lack of respect for?

Your family


Your parents ask you to take a shower and get ready for bed.  Doing what you are told shows respect for...?

A) Your parents

B) yourself

C) Both

C) Both


Act out how you would ask a friend to borrow their toy.

Say please and thank you, kind voice, look them in the eye.


We show respect to our teacher and our classmates by keeping our voice _ _ _ when they are talking.



True or false: if you respect someone it means you have to be their best friend.



Where should you be looking when having a conversation with someone?

Looking at them - use eye contact.


How can you show respect toward pets at home?

Feed them, give them water, and be kind to them.


Act out what you would do if you needed to ask your parent a question but he or she were helping your sibling

Wait until they are done talking, wait patiently, or ask someone else.


We show respect to others by saying _ _ _ _ _ _ me when we are entering their space



How can I show respect when other people are talking?

Listen, pay attention, and do not interrupt them.


You are at a soccer game and you hear the parents from the other team yelling at your team. The parents are telling you that you are going to lose because their team is so much better. Are they showing respect? 

A) This doesn't show a lack of respect because the other team is better.

B) This is ok and not showing a lack of respect because they are adults and are allowed to say what they want.

C) This is not respectful because it is not ok to be mean even if you are an adult.  Adults should set a good example

C) This is not respectful because it is not ok to be mean even if you are an adult.  Adults should set a good example


It's your turn to take out the garbage. You don't want to because it always stinks and you hate doing it! You lie to your mom and say it's your sister's turn to take it out. Your mom believes you, and your sister has to take out the garbage. Is this showing respect?

NO! Even though your mom believes you, you are still lying. It's your turn to take out the garbage, so you should not lie to get out of it. It's not showing respect towards your sister or mom.


Act out what you do if your parent asks you to clean your room or clean after yourself. 

Look them in the eye, say okay, do it right away.


List 2 ways we can we show respect to our family members (brothers, sisters, parents)?

Listening to directions, helping out around the house, doing what they ask you to do...


You are rushing to get back to class and the hallway is crowded. You decide to push people to get through because you don't have time to wait. Is this respectful? Why or why not?

No - you should be patient. Pushing people is never okay. If you are rushing, how can you politely get through the hallway?


A new student comes into your class. They feel shy and out of place. You and your friends laugh at them because they don't know anything about the school.

A) It's ok to laugh at them, it is funny and besides pretty soon they will fit in so we should have fun while it lasts.

B) It's ok to laugh at them, the new student deserves to be laughed at. They probably don't even know we are laughing at them

C) They are having a rough time and I know how I would feel if that was me.  It is not ok to laugh and shows a lack of respect.

C) They are having a rough time and I know how I would feel if that was me.  It is not ok to laugh and shows a lack of respect.


Should you respect one person more than another in your house? Why or why not?

Open discussion


Act out what it looks and sounds like when you disagree with a parent. 

Talking without yelling, asking for alone time. 
