Your friend Waves "Hi"
Wave back or say "Hello"
Your parent is carrying a lot of bags
Offer to help carry a bag
Your teacher is giving instruction to the class so you should...
Listen, no talking
When walking through doors you should...
Hold the door for the person behind you
Your friend falls during basketball
Help them up
Your sibling has no clean socks and you have an extra pair
Give your sibling your extra pair of socks
You need to ask your teacher a question but they are talking to someone else
Wait patiently and say excuse me
How do you get someone's attention?
Say "Excuse me"
Your friend forgot their lunch and your lunch has extra snacks
Share your snacks
Your parent is cleaning the house and some of the mess is yours
Help clean up
Your teacher asks everyone to be seated but you need the bathroom
Raise your hand
The store clerk hands you your stuff so you say...
Thank you!
Have a nice day/night
You accidently step on your friends shoe and now their is dirt on their new shoes (2)
Your sibling wants to play with one of your toys
Let them borrow the toy or play together
Your teacher brough in new toys/games but you notice some of your classmates breaking them
Tell them to stop and let the teacher know
You are waiting to go to the restroom and a kid younger than you looks like they really need to go
You should...
Let them go in front of you
Some of your friends want to play 2 vs 2 in basketball but there are 5 of you. (2 options)
Play a game where all 5 can play
Take turns so all 5 can play
Your parent or older sibling gets home from work/school
Ask them how work/school was
Your teacher is talking to the group but your friend keeps talking to you
Never go with strangers, go home and tell an adult