What is self care?
Taking care of your mind and body by eating healthy, exercising, and getting enough sleep. Practicing healthy habits, using coping skills, ect.
What are manners
Using words like "please" and "thank you" to show kindness.
What is responsibility?
Returning borrowed items in good condition
What is being respectful?
Following classroom rules and listening to the teachers
What is being a responsible citizen?
Following traffic laws and signals while walking or biking OR *any good example
What is an affirmation?
A positive statement you say about yourself to build confidence and self esteem
What is active listening?
The act of listening to someone without interrupting
What is taking care of the environment?
Picking up trash instead of littering
What is hallway respect?
Walking quietly in the hallway to avoid disturbing others.
What is patience?
Waiting your turn in line at a store or event.
What is self-respect?
The feeling you have when you know your worth and treat yourself kindly
What is the Golden Rule?
Treating others the way you want to be treated.
What is being careful or respectful?
This action helps protect public and personal property from damage.
What is kindness?
Including someone who is sitting alone at lunch or on the playground, ect *provide a good example
What is being a good neighbor?
Saying kind words to neighbors and helping those in need
What is self-discipline?
Making choices that keep you safe and out of trouble, even if others pressure you. Doing the things that need to be prioritized first (chores before video games)
What is empathy?
Understanding someone else's feelings, even if you haven’t been in their situation
What is vandalism?
Writing or drawing on desks, walls, or books without permission is an example of this
What is teamwork?
When students work together and support each other, this happens
What is respect for diversity?
Treating all people fairly, no matter their differences
What are personal boundaries?
Setting these helps you establish limits with others and show self-respect. Respecting personal space and belongings, learning to say no when you are uncomfortable, time management, managing emotions
What is being an upstander?
Standing up for others when they are being treated unfairly.
What is cooperation?
Sharing classroom materials instead of keeping them all to yourself
What is tolerance?
Accepting others even when they have different opinions or backgrounds
What is community service?
Volunteering or donating to a cause that helps others