Respect means following the Golden Rule, What is the Golden Rule?
What is Treat others the way you want to be treated.
We can show respect for our school be doing this every day even though Tuesday is the day we are asked to participate.
What is pick up trash
Thomas is a 5th grade student. He notices that the new kid in his class is always being teased by a group of students. One day Thomas decided to stand up to these bullies by saying their acts are unkind and unwelcomed.
Thomas can be describe as a _______________ type of person.
What is brave, courageous, bold, etc
During recess, several students noticed trash was all around the playground which was left by the younger students. One student said, "You know that you shouldn't pick it up because the school custodians get paid to clean up after us. Another student said, "No, this is our school and we are responsible for making sure all areas are clean.
What is this an act of?
What is kindness/responsible/etc.............
What are 3 ways to show peace in your classroom?
Answers may vary
Reading with a buddyExplain a task/activity
When we talk about respect, who is the person you respect in your school
Who is ___________________ (staff in school)
We show respect to our fellow students in class by working _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and remaining that way when your work is done.
What is quietly
Take a look at the picture above of all the children holding hands. The kids are of various races, religions, and culture. This is an example of.......
What is cultural diversity?
Who came up with this rule that we have to attend school everyday and complete work in class. Silly Silly Silly, The school is full of it, I am a 5th grader I don't need to do my work and attend school on the regular. Besides this rule really is for the younger kids. This is an example of _____________________ the rules.
What is disrespect?
Name 3 items we can do as a Peace Builder?
What is I pledge to praise people?
What is to give up put downs?
What is to right wrongs?
What is notice to speak up about hurts I have caused?
We show respect to your teacher and our fellow students by being quiet and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to your teacher during class
What is Listening?
Your teachers are leading the lesson and ask that you share your answers with a partner.
What is a Turn and Talk protocol?
This word comes from our school slogan S.O. A. R. The definition of this word is to bounce back or recover from a difficult situation or to keep going and not quit.
What is Resilient?
I am at the store and the cashier makes a mistake and gives me a $20 back in change instead of a $5. Wow, it's my lucky day. But instead of keeping it, I decided to give it back to the cashier.
This is an example of ......................
What is honesty/trust/integrity/etc.......
When someone intentionally uses their online platform to be cruel and disrespectful toward others.
What is Trolling?
We show respect to others by saying _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
What is Please and Thank you
Name 2 ways to show respect at your school.
What is be kind to your classmates?
What is to be generous?
Answers may vary
This word begins with the letter "G"
Here is an example for this word. Your class is on a trip and one of your classmates forgot to bring their lunch, so you decided to share your lunch with her.
What is being generous?
Working together as a team on a project during the Black History Month assembly
When a person uses digital technology to bully or treat another person in a cruel manner.
What is Cyberbullying?
As a a member of a family, we can show respect to other family members by doing our _ _ _ _ _ _
What are Chores
Respect is thinking and acting in a positive way about ________ and _________
What is yourself and others
This word begins with the "E" and it means the ability to sense other people's emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling.
What is EMPATHY?
You are driving with your parents to Disneyland, you are excited about getting there and then it happens, traffic backs up and comes to a standstill. You are driving in a regular traffic lane and there is a diamond lane next to you. You can get in it but your dad would have to cross the double line to make the transition. you ask him to cross the line since you don't see any highway patrol. If they don't see you, you get away with it, no harm no foul.
A) Your dad refuses to cross the line and tells you he will only get in that lane when the lines open up and allow him to get in legally. He wants to respect the law.
B) you dad says "You know what? I want to get there too and you are right if nobody sees me it's ok. He crosses the double line, gets in the lane and the highway patrol don't see him. He did not do anything wrong.
What is A) Your dad refuses to cross the line and tells you he will only get in that lane when the lines open up and allow him to get in legally. He wants to respect the law.
Who in your house should be the most respected and why?
Open discussion