Bringing necessary classroom supplies and materials to class.
What is an example of being ready to learn in the classroom?
Clean up after yourself and eat in designated areas.
What is showing responsibility in the cafeteria?
Use two hands when carrying these around the classroom.
What is chromebooks?
Choosing kind word and actions.
What is being respectful in the classroom?
Using appropriate tone, volume and language when eating.
What is being Respectful in the cafeteria?
When a guest has come to speak we should remain ___________ at all times.
What is seated?
Listening for adult directions in the noisy cafeteria.
What is an example of being ready to learn in the cafeteria?
Listen to the PAWS groups when they are presenting.
What is being respectful?
Refraining (not having) food fights.
What is an example of Responsibility in the cafeteria?
Do not talk about things that you are not allowed to discuss at school on the bus.
What is being responsible on the bus?
Responding to adult directions the first time given, and asking if you do not understand the directions.
What is listening for adult directions and being ready to learn in the cafeteria?
Knocking on the door before entering.
What is showing respect to someone in the restroom?
Knowing the __________ of the game is essential in any activity done in P.E.
What are rules?