Respectful Communication
Conflict Resolution Strategies
Real Life Scenarios

What does it mean to speak respectfully to someone?

Using kind words, listening without interrupting, and considering their feelings. (answers may vary, I will accept multiple answers)


What is the first step in resolving a conflict peacefully?

Stay calm and take deep breaths (I will accept multiple answers)


Why is it important to stay calm during a disagreement?

Staying calm helps you think clearly, listen to the other person, and communicate more effectively without making the situation worse. 


You and a friend both want to play the same game. How can you solve this problem respectfully?

Take turns, decide together on the game you’ll play, or ask for a different activity that both of you enjoy.


What is my name?



What is a "I feel" statement?

A statement that focuses on how you feel, rather than blaming the other person. Example: "I feel upset when you take my things without asking."


What does "compromise" mean in a conflict?

Both people give up something in order to find a solution that works for both of them.


If you're feeling angry, what is one thing you can do to calm yourself down?

Take deep breaths, count to 10, or walk away from the situation. (I will accept multiple answers)


A classmate takes your pencil without asking. What should you do?

Calmly ask them to give it back and explain that you prefer if they ask first next time.


How many continents are there on Earth?



Why is it important to listen to someone when they’re speaking, especially during an argument?

It shows respect, helps you understand their point of view, and helps solve the problem. (I will accept multiple answers)


What is the difference between resolving a conflict through fighting and resolving it through discussion?

Fighting usually leads to more anger and problems, while discussing a conflict helps both sides understand each other and find a peaceful solution.


How does showing empathy help in a conflict?

Empathy is understanding how the other person feels, which can help you respond in a more caring and thoughtful way.


Your friend is upset because you didn’t invite them to your birthday party. How can you make things right?

Apologize for not inviting them and explain why it happened. Ask how you can make it up to them.


Which popular video game character is known for jumping on bricks and collecting coins?

Mario, Super Mario 


What can you do if someone is yelling at you and you want to respond respectfully?

Stay calm, take a deep breath, and speak in a calm tone without yelling back. (Answers may vary, I will accept multiple answers)


How can brainstorming solutions together help resolve a conflict?

Brainstorming together allows both people to share ideas and come up with a solution that works for everyone, making both parties feel heard and involved in the resolution.


What should you do if someone says something that hurts your feelings?

Tell them how you feel in a respectful way and talk about why their words hurt you.


Two students are arguing over who should go first in line. How can you help them solve the problem?

Suggest taking turns or drawing straws to decide.


What is the closest planet to the Sun?



How can your body language make someone feel respected during a conversation?

Using positive body language, like making eye contact, facing the person, and having an open posture, shows that you’re paying attention and valuing what they are saying.


What should you do if a conflict isn’t getting resolved, and both people are getting more upset?

Take a break to cool down and come back to talk about it later when everyone is calm.


How can you tell if someone is feeling frustrated or upset based on their body language?

They might cross their arms, avoid eye contact, have a tense posture, or speak in a louder tone. (I will accept multiple answers)


You and your teammate have different ideas for a school project. How do you resolve the situation?

Talk about your ideas, listen to each other, and find a way to combine both ideas into a plan that works


What is the largest planet of our solar system?

