Breathing, gas exchange, and internal respiration.
What are the events of respiration?
Q2: The three components of the sternum.
What is the manubrium, body of the sternum, and the xyphoid process?
Q3: This muscle flattens during inhalation, increasing the volume of the thoracic cavity.
What is the diaphragm?
Q4: These muscles lift the rib cage outward and upward during inhalation, expanding the chest
What are the external intercostal muscles?
The volume of air inspired or expired during the breathing cycle.
What is tidal volume?
One complete cycle of inspiration and expiration of air from the lungs.
What is one respiratory cycle?
Q7: The Webbing around the alveolar sacs.
What is the capillary bed?
This muscle originates in the sternum and clavicle and inserts into the skull behind the ear
What is sternocleidomastoid?
Q9: The byproduct of an increase in pressure during exhalation?
What is a decrease in volume?
Mouth shaping the sound using articulators.
What is articulation?
If you were oxygen going through the respiratory system, what structures would you pass along the way to the alveoli, and in what order?
What are the larynx, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles?
The inner chest wall is covered by a thin membrane.
What is partiel pleura?
This muscle originates from the front surface of the clavicle's upper costal cartilage, sternum, and inner half.
what is the pectoralis major?
Q14: The natural recoil of muscles, ligaments, lung tissue, and cartilage
What is passive force?
The percentage of inhalation to exhalation when speaking.
what is 10% inhalation to 90% exhalation?
The volume of air in the pulmonary apparatus after maximum inspiration.
What is total lung capacity (TLC)?
This term describes the connection between the lungs and the chest wall.
What is pleural linkage?
These muscles form a sheet of muscle that fills the outer portions of the rib interspaces and links each rib to the adjacent rib.
What are the external intercostals?
Q19: The contraction of the rib cage, diaphragm, and abdominal wall muscles
What is active force?
Pressure inside the lungs is most important for speech production.
What is alveolar pressure?
The difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
What is anaerobic doesn’t require oxygen, and aerobic does require oxygen.
This is the primary muscle of inspiration
What is the diaphragm?
This forms the thorax and surrounds the lungs.
What is the rib cage wall?
The maximum volume of air that can be inspired from the tidal end-inspiratory level.
What is Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) ?
Ventilation is greater during speaking than resting tidal breathing.
Is ventilation greater or smaller during speech?