only occurs in plants?
What is photosynthesis
Location in stage 1?
what is cytoplasm
Molecules move through transport proteins?
what is Facilitated Diffusion
a by product of photosynthesis?
What is oxygen????
Energy produced in stage 1?
what is A small amount of ATP
what controls what enters and exits the cell.
What is cell membrane
Why don’t plant cells burst in pure water?
what is The cell wall prevents bursting, while the vacuole stores excess water.
Occurs in animals and plants?
what is cellular respiration/./,
Process in stage 1?
what is Breaks glucose into smaller molecules
Movement of molecules from high to low concentration
what is diffusion.
which molecules pass freely?
What is small molecules like oxygen and CO₂.
What happens to a red blood cell in pure water?
what is Water enters the cell by osmosis
is cellular respiration and photosynthesis opposites or identical to each other?
what are opposites
in stage 2 where is the Location?
what is Mitochondria
Large molecules require?
What is a transport protein .
C6H12O6 + 6H2O + LIGHT ---> C6H12O6 + 6O2
what is the equation for photosynthesis
in stage 2 how much Energy is produced?
what is Most of the ATP
Movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane?
what is osmosis.
Why does air freshener spread across a room?
what is The scent molecules move from high to low concentration through diffusion.