This organ of the respiratory system contains the vocal cords
What is the larynx?
This is a commonly used sympathomimetic bronchodilator with a selective beta 2 action, available as a metered-dose inhaler
What is albuterol?
This condition is caused by the inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes.
What is rhinitis?
This diagnostic tool can visualize lung fields, heart, foreign objects, and fluid.
What is a chest x-ray?
This is a common nursing practice and is considered a medication.
What is oxygen therapy?
This structure transports, filters, humidifies, and warms air.
What is the nasal cavity?
This class of drugs are used to liquify mucus and make it less viscous.
What are expectorants?
This respiratory condition is often associated with a "cigarette cough" and is characterized by a persistent cough with large amounts of mucus.
What is chronic bronchitis?
This procedure involves direct visualization of the larynx
What is a laryngoscopy?
This method of breathing keeps the alveoli/airways open during exhalation, and helps remove carbon dioxide.
What is pursed-lip breathing?
The right lung is divided into this many lobes, while the left lung has two.
What are three lobes?
This is a commonly used mucolytic agent, also used as an antidote for Tylenol overdose.
What is acetylcysteine/Mucomyst?
This condition is caused by excess fluid in the lungs, often due to heart failure
What is pulmonary edema?
This test is used to evaluate lung volume, capacity, and flow rates, and is often done with chronic asthma.
What is a Pulmonary Function Test?
This therapy uses forced air to directly place medications like bronchodilators into the lungs
What is nebulizer treatment?
This structure is an open passage for air supported by cartilage
What is the trachea?
This type of medication works by stimulating alpha adrenergic receptors to cause vasoconstriction in the nasal passages
What are sympathomimetic nasal decongestants?
This condition is characterized by a chronic cough with large amounts of thick, foul sputum.
What is bronchiectasis?
This study, done for possible respiratory infections, involves collecting sputum, ideally in the morning.
What is a sputum culture and sensitivity?
This technique is done to promote the elimination of mucus from the airways, often involving clapping or vibration on the lungs.
What is chest physiotherapy and postural drainage?
These structures are two, and the right one is shorter than the left.
What are the bronchi?
This class of bronchodilators has the potential for paradoxical bronchospasm if discontinued abruptly and requires monitoring of serum drug levels.
What are xanthine bronchodilators?
This condition develops when air enters the pleural space on inspiration but is trapped, not expelled on expiration
What is tension pneumothorax?
This procedure involves removing a small amount of fluid from the space between the visceral and parietal pleura.
What is a thoracentesis?
This intervention is like "vacuuming" the air from the lungs and should only be done when necessary, and with hyperoxygenation beforehand.
What is suctioning?