Medications: The good, the bad and the ugly
NURSE! What's wrong with me??
Fix me
Off to the lab we go!
Melting Pot
A patient uses their albuterol inhaler for rescue of asthma exacerbation. Their HR increases from 75 to 86 bpm within 5 minutes of using the inhaler. What is your action as the nurse?
What is document the findings and continue to monitor.
Characterized by fever, dyspnea, general malaise, productive cough w/ yellow sputum, etc.
What is pneumonia
PRIORITY intervention for acute asthma exacerbation
What is administer a SABA (bronchodilator)

The nurse would see this lab elevated on a CBC of a patient with an acute asthma exacerbation triggered by pollen.

What is elevated eosinophil count. indicates tissue inflammation


For which patients with pneumonia would the nurse suspect aspiration as the likely cause of pneumonia? (select all that apply) 1. patient w/ seizures 2. patient w/ head injury 3. patient who had thoracic surgery 4. patient who had a MI 5. patient who is receiving NG tube feeding.

What is 1, 2 and 5

The nurse asks the patient to rinse their mouth after using this type of inhaler, and informs the patient that they are doing it for this reason.
What is a corticosteroid and to prevent thrush or other fungal infections in the oral cavity or esophagus.
Characterized by bronchconstriction and increased mucous production, resulting in oxygenation issues and hypercapnia.
What is chronic bronchitis (COPD)
These are all examples of medications used for long-term management of COPD or asthma conditions
What is LABA, corticosteroids, immunomodulator, anticholinergics, etc.

A patient is diagnosed with pneumonia. As the nurse, you would expect to see this laboratory change on their CBC.

What is elevated WBC


An appropriate nursing intervention for a patient with pneumonia with the nursing diagnosis of ineffective airway clearance related to thick secretions and fatigue would be to: 1. perform postural drainage every hour 2. provide analgesics as order to promote patient comfort 3. administer oxygen as prescribed to maintain optimal oxygen levels 4. teach patient how to cough effectively to bring secretions to the mouth.

What is 4

A patient weighs 198 lbs and is prescribe 7 mg aminophylline/kg of body weight IV, as a loading dose. What is the correct dosage for this patient?
What is 630 mg
Characterized by persistent cough, hemoptysis (early); may present with anorexia, fatigue and diaphragmatic weakness later.
What is lung cancer
You are the nurse discharging a patient diagnosed with laryngeal cancer. These are some examples of teaching points you will want to include in his d/c teaching.
What is nutrition (increase protein, calories, possible shakes), oxygen administration (if used), communication barriers, etc.

A patient is admitted with acute exacerbation of COPD. The physician orders ABG's to be drawn. As the nurse, you would expect this type of results.

What is respiratory acidosis (decreased pH, elevated CO2, possibly elevated or normal HCO3)


When planning health care teaching to prevent or detect early head and neck CA, which people who be the priority to target (select all that apply): 1. 65 y.o. man who has used chewing tobacco most of his life 2. 45 y.o. rancher who uses snuff to stay awake while driving herds of cattle 3. 78 y.o. woman who has been drinking hard liquor since her husband died 15 years ago 4. 21 year old college students who drinks beer on weekends with his frat brothers 5. 22 year old woman who has been diagnosed with HPV of the cervix

What is 1,2,3,5


This group of medications works by reducing inflammation and causing bronchodilation, and can be used on children as young as 2 years of age.

What is leukotriene antagonist (Singulair)

Disease process that causes inflammation, increased secretions and smooth muscle spasm within the lungs.
What is Asthma
You are discharging a 6 year old patient with CF. The mother asks, "Why do I need to spend the time using this vibrating vest?" Your best response as a nurse is:
What is to promote loosening of thick secretions that make it difficult for gas exchange to occur within the lungs.

BONUS QUESTION Most accurate diagnostic test for diagnosis of cystic fibrosis.

What is sweat chloride test.  PEOPLE WITH CF HAVE HIGH COUNT


While in the recovery room, a patient with a total laryngectomy is suctioned and has blood mucus with some clots.Which nursing intervention would apply? 1. Notify the physician immediately 2. Place the patient in the prone position to facilitate drainage. 3. Instill 3 mL of NS into the tracheostomy tube to loosen secretions 4. Continue your assessment of the patient including O2 sat, RR, and breath sounds

What is 4

A patient is taking rifampin for diagnosis of TB and may inform you, as the nurse, of this common side effect.
What is orange coloring to urine, tears, etc.
Usually symptom free in early stages, but eventually presents with fatigue, malaise, weight loss, night sweats and persistent cough w/ frothy white sputum.
What is tuberculosis

This would be a priority intervention you would expect to do for a patient diagnosed with pneumonia

What is administer antibiotics, oxygen administration, cultures (blood and sputum), etc


A patient is diagnosed with lung cancer and asks you what the "TNM" system means. You reply:

What is tumor, node, metastases (used in staging cancer)


A patient with TB has been admitted to the hospital and is placed in an airborne infection isolation room. What should the patient be taught? (select all that apply): 1. Expect routine TST to evaluate infection 2. Visitors will not be allowed while in airborned isolation 3. Take all medications for full length of time to prevent multidrug-resistant TB 4. Wear a standard isolation mask if leaving the airborne infection isolation room 5. Maintain precautions in airborne infection isolation room by coughing into a paper tissue.

What is 3, 4, 5
