This is the only organ that can float on water.
This hygiene product is appropriate for healthcare workers to use, unlike perfume or scented lotion.
This lung is smaller than the other due to other organs in the chest cavity.
Fluid builds up in the lungs and reduces the amount of oxygen you can breathe in when diagnosed with this.
Tubing that helps deliver oxygen therapy to a patient in need.
Nasal Cannula
This is how much an adult lung can hold.
4 - 6 Liters
This time management tool is essential to everyday organization.
Daily Planner
The involuntary muscle under the lungs that can cause hiccups.
In 1938, this is the type of doctor you would be sent to if you were having an asthma attack.
A device that delivers medication for inhalation to a patient in need.
Medulla oblongata controls this automatic action.
Doing this results in a more positive approach to conflict resolution.
In 2021, after 18 hours of surgery doctors completed the first transplant of this organ.
A heavy smoker, Walt Disney died at age 65 from this disease.
Lung Cancer
A device that will expand your lungs by helping you breathe more deeply and fully.
Incentive Spirometer
breathing removes more of this from the body, than takes in oxygen.
Carbon dioxide
Short and rounded is how health care workers should keep these.
Also found in the ears and nose, this type tissue makes up the walls of the bronchi and trachea.
In 2019, a respiratory condition caused by a novel coronavirus called severe acute respiratory syndrome.
A medical device that helps deliver oxygen in emergency situations, providing extra oxygen to the patient.
Non-Rebreather Mask
Pope Francis I, had one of these removed to treat an infection as a teenager.
Effective leaders demonstrate this trait.
Also known as White Plague, this contagious bacterial lung infection made patients turn pale.
Commercials for treatment of the cancer, Mesothelioma warn this substance could be the cause.
A machine that assists or controls breathing for a patient in need.
Mechanical Ventilator