Therapeutic Use
Complications/ Side Effects
Medication Administration
Client Education

What are the therapeutic uses of ipratropium?

Relief of bronchoconstriction in clients who have COPD 

Decrease secretions in clients with COPD


Complications from using 

phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine)- Sympathomimetics


CNS Stimulation with oral agents (agitation, anxiety, insomnia)

^ BP

Tachycardia/ Palpitations

Overdosage or systemic absorption: hypertension, tachycardia, heart palpitations

Rebound congestion with prolonged use of topical agents. 


What is the medication administration of cromoyln? 

Use with a nebulizer or metered-dose inhaler

Expect to several weeks of use for full effects to become apparent

Administer 4 times daily on a fixed schedule

Use the inhaler 15 minutes before exercising to prevent exercise-induced bronchospasm

Do not use to relive an acute asthma exacerbation


What are the contraindications/ precautions for codeine and dextromethorphan?

Known sensitivity to the drug


Prostatic hypertrophy

Reduce respiratory reserve (emphysema, chronic asthma)

History of substance abuse

Use cautiously in children and older adults


What should the RN include in client education for guaifenesin?

Do not take before driving or activities requiring mental alertness

Sit or lie down if feeling lightheaded

Change positions gradually

Take the drug with food and/or 8 oz of water

Stop taking the drug and seek medical care if experiencing an allergic reaction


What are the nursing interventions for montelukast?

Monitor liver function with periodic testing

Observe for behavioral changes


What is the therapeutic use of cromoyln?

Long-term treatment of allergy-related asthma

Prophylaxis for exercise-induced bronchospasm 

Prophylaxis for seasonal allergy symptoms

Management of allergic rhinitis (intranasally)


What are the complications to codeine and dextromethorphan?

CNS depression (drowsiness, sedation)

Dizziness, lightheadedness (opioid)

GI distress (nausea, vomiting) 

Constipation (opioids)

Respiratory depression (opioids)

Potential for abuse


What are the medication administrations for albuterol?

Follow manufacturers instructors for using delivery devices

Use short-acting preparations for acute exacerbations

Use long-acting preparations for long-term control

Inhale beta2- adrenergic agonists before inhaling glucococorticoids

Follow dosage limits and schedules

Watch for signs and triggers of impending exacerbations of asthma

Keep a log of the frequency and intensity of exacerbations

Notify the provider of change in patterns of exacerbations


What are the contraindications for theophylline?


Clients with impaired metabolism 

Tobacco, MJ use 



Heart disease

Liver dysfunction

Acute pulmonary edema


What should the RN include in patient teaching about acetylcysteine? 

Report any difficulty breathing or worsening cough

Expectorate cough

Take antiemetics as needed

Proper use and cleaning of nebulizer

Consume 2,000 to 3,000 mL of water daily


What is the client education for certirizi?

Take once-daily dose at desired time

Avoid driving and activities that require mental alertness until effects are known

Take frequent sips of water

Suck on hard candy


What is the therapeutic use of diphenhydramine?

Management of 

Mild allergic reaction- seasonal allergies, cough, urticaria, mild transfusion reaction

Anaphylaxis- hypotension, bronchospasm, acute laryngeal edema

Motion sickness

Insomnia- Short-term use no longer than 2 weeks


What are the complications of ipratropium?

Dry Mouth, irritation of the pharynx

Increased intraocular pressure

Urinary retention


What is the medication administration for certirizi?

May take with or without food

Do not take with other OTC antihistamines

Expect dose to be lower in clients who have compromised renal or liver function


What are the contraindications/precautions for ipratropium?

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to ipratropium, atropine, belladonna, alkaloids, or bromide, history of sensitivity to soy or peanuts- avoid Combivent (ipratropium/albuterol combo) MDI form of drug

Precautions: Glaucoma, prostatic hypertrophy, bladder neck obstruction


Client Education for 

phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine)- Sympathomimetics

Report excessive CNS symptoms (stimulation) 

Consult regarding alternative therapy, withdrawal of drug

Report prolonged tachycardia or heart palpitations

Have BP checked while on meds if hypertensive 

Do not use more than 3 to 5 days

Taper and discontinue the drug using one nostril at a time


What are the RN interventions for cromoyln?

Administer epinephrine and/or antihistamines to reverse anaphylaxis


Therapeutic Use

albuterol (Proventil HFA and Ventolin HFA) 

Long term management of asthma

Prevention of exercise- induced bronchospasm

Treatment of ongoing asthma exacerbations 


What are the adverse effects for diphenhydramine?

Drowsiness, dizziness

Anticholinergic effects (dry mouth, constipation)

What are the medication administration for ipratropium?

Follow dosage limits and schedules

Allow prescribed time between puffs

Delay use of other inhalants for 5 minutes

Do not use an emergency rescue medication

Rinse mouth after use for taste 

Follow manufactures instructions for using delivery device


What are the contraindications of acetylcysteine?


Risk of or actual gastric bleeding


Anaphylactic reaction when giving IV


History of bronchospasm

Severe respiratory insufficiency


What things should the nurse educate the client on about montelukast?

Report abdominal tenderness, nausea, anorexia

Report behavioral changes such as agitation, insomnia, anxiety, irritability


What are the complications of beclomethasone dipropionate?

F- fluid/electrolyte imbalance

I- infection

S- suppression of adrenal function 

H- hyperglycemia

B- bone demineralization

U- peptic ulcer disease

M- muscle wasting


Suppression of adrenal function

Bone demineralization

Muscle wasting


Peptic ulcer disease


Fluid and electrolyte imbalances

Nasal: Dry mucous membranes, Epistaxis, Sore throat, Headache 

Inhaled: Oral candidiasis


What is the therapeutic use of acetylcysteine?

Decrease viscosity of mucous secretions

Reverse acetaminophen (Tylenol) overdose


What are the complications of albuterol?

Chest pain/ palpitations

Nervousness, restlessness, tremors


What is the expected pharmacological action of diphenhydramine?

Bind to H1 receptors, effectively blocking the release of histamines.

What is the expected pharmacological action of codeine and dextromethorphan (Antitussives) 

Suppresses the cough reflex in the brain 


What should the RN include in the client education regarding theophylline?

Reduce or eliminate caffeine intake

Have periodic laboratory testing of drug levels

Stop taking the drug and notify provider if experiencing seizure

Stop taking the drug and notify provider if experiencing dysrhythmias


What are the adverse effects associated with theophylline?

Rare at therapeutic levels

When therapeutic levels are exceeded: restlessness, insomnia

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

When reaches toxic level: seizures



What is the therapeutic use of certirizi?

Management of:

Allergic rhinitis

Chronic idiopathic urticaria

What are the complications of montelukast?
Leukotriene modifiers zileuton and zafirlukast can cause liver damage. Does not occur with montelukast. 

Neuropsychiatric effects such as suicidal ideations.


What is the expected pharmacological action of ipratropium?

Inhibits the action of acetylcholine. Because acetylcholine causes vasoconstriction of bronchi and bronchioles blocking stimulation of parasympathetic receptors results in bronchodilation. 

How do we evaluate medication effectiveness for guaifenesin?

cough is more productive and mucous is easier to expectorate 

Chest congestion is decreased


What should an RN include in the client education regarding beclomethasone dipropionate?

Use a spacer to deposit less drug in the oropharynx

Rinse/gargle mouth after use to avoid thrush 

Explain alternative day dosing

Taper-dose, NEVER stop abruptly 

Perform weight bearing exercise daily

Consume adequate calcium and Vitamin D 

Avoid NSAIDs 

Take with food and water

Use a humidifier during sleep


What is the expected pharmacological action of guaifenesin (Mucinex)?

The expected pharmacologic action of expectorants is a reduction in the surface tension of secretions. This thins thick mucus, making it easier to cough out of the lungs and drain out of the nose and sinuses.
