This is part of both the respiratory and digestive systems and is connected to the oesophagus.
Tube-like structures that carry fluid (including air) to and from the lungs
Name one of the two jobs of the respiratory system
- To obtain oxygen for cells
- To release waste products from the body
How many lobes does the right lung have?
What is a disease that is produced by a very contagious virus that caused a pandemic?
This structure has a lot of mucus and capillaries, which warm air as it passes through.
Vibrating filaments
What two gasses are exchanged in the lung?
Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
How many lobes does the left lung have?
A malignant tumour that sees uncontrolled growth of a mass of lung tissue that invades and destroys neighbouring tissues. This is often related to smoking.
Lung Cancer
These vibrate and make sound when air passes through them.
Vocal Cords
With nearly 480 million in the human body, gas exchange would be impossible without them.
Pulmonary Alveoli
What is another name for ducts in the respiratory system?
What is the layer of membranes called that surround the lungs?
The contraction of the bronchi and an excess of secretions, which restricts the passage of air. It generates a feeling of breathlessness and anxiety.
This structure is about 12 cm long. It contains mucus, and uses cilia to trap foreign particles and move these toward the larynx.
These are embedded in the walls of the larynx and produce cells that attack pathogens
To take in oxygen and expel carbon dixoide, the respiratlory system has three functions. Name two of the three functions of the respiratory system
- Transports and prepares air
- Carries out gas exchange
- Performs Pulmonary Ventilation
What is between each membrane that surrounds each lung?
Common viral disease that causes a winter pandemic every 10-15 years. It can be fatal to people in high risk groups and those who suffer from heart disease, lung infections, or other chronic infections.
Two of these tubes branch off from the trachea and carry air into the lungs
This fibrous structure closes to stop food from entering the airways
WHere does gas exchange take place?
How much air enters and leaves the lungs on each normal inhalation and exhalation?
.5 litres
Infection produced by certain bacteria that affects the lungs