Med term for lung
what is pulmon/o
What is thee other name for windpipe?
What is Trachea
The process of gas exchange
what is respiration
What is the name of the disease that you stop breathing longer than 15 seconds at a time while sleeping? (be specific)
what is Sleep Apnea
What does COPD stand for?
What is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
ox/i ox/o
what is oxygen
What is the name of the air sac in the lung
What is alveoli
What is the purpose of the upper respiratory tract?
What is Inhalation and humidification of the air
SOB, fever, chronic cough, night sweats, pink tinged sputum
what is TB; tuberculosis
If you are breathing less than 12 times per minute what is that called?
What is Bradypnea
Med term for breathing
If bronchi is pleural what is singular?
what is Bronchus
What is the responsibility of the lower respiratory tract?
what is transporting air to lungs for exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Inflammation of the lungs caused by infection
what is Pneumonia
What are the vitals that involve the respiratory system?
What is Respiration, oxygen saturations ( I would take heart rate/ blood pressure)
What is the med term for blue
what is cyan/o
What divides the thoracic cavity from abdominal cavity?
What is Diaphragm
If a patient is having an anaphylaxis reaction you may give them what?
What is epinephrine
Inherited diseases that affects multiple organs but causes excessive mucus in the lungs and sweating.
What is CF; Cystic fibrosis
What is the name of the hair like structure that helps move mucus?
what is cilia
serous membrane that enfolds the lung
what is pleur/o
What are the organs that structure the respiratory system? Label lower and upper
Lower: Trachea, Bronchial tubes, Lungs
If a patient was having troubles breathing because of a narrow breathing they may insert what?
what is a tracheostomy tube
Chronic pulmonary disease causing increase size of alveoli, and loss of elasticity?
What is Emphysema
If a patient had lung cancer and needed surgery what type of specialist would they need to see? (BE specific)
What is a thoracic/ cardiothoracic surgeon