Commonly called the windpipe, this structure is strengthened by rings of cartilage.
On which lung is the cardiac notch located?
This process of air rushing into the lungs
What is the most common cause of pnemonia?
Infection (Bacterial & Viral)
What is pH? Explain how the lungs regulate pH.
pH is a scale telling how acidic or basic something is. we have a tight window in our body that our pH can exist in. CO2 when combined with water, creates carbonic acid. When we exhale CO2 we prevent this reaction and prevent the body from becomming too acidic.
These air passages divide from the windpipe at the bottom of the trachea.
main bronchi
The Right Lung has how many lobes?
What are the tiny hairs that move back and forth along the trachea called that help to move mucus?
What 2 substances should people avoid when vaping?
Vitamin E Acetate & THC
Explain how the structure of the lungs helps with filtration.
As the lungs branch, they get smaller and smaller, allowing them to filter out smaller and smaller irritants.
What is the name of the large muscle (singular) that pulls air into the lungs?
The diaphragm
What are the muscles between the ribs called?
What gas moves into the alveoli during gas exchange? What gas leaves the alveoli?
CO2, O2
Which structure creates sound in a hiccup?
the Larynx (Vocal Cords)
Explain what the respiratory system has to do with vocalization.
You can't talk if you don't breathe. The larynx is an important structure in the URT and contains the vocal cords. Air rushing over the cords creates sound.
This is a flap that covers the windpipe and helps keep food and water from entering the lungs.
What structure BEGINS the lower respiratory tract?
What happens to the pressure inside the lungs as the diagphram contracts?
Decreases (Negative Pressure)
Asthma is defined by hypersensitivity. Define hypersensitivity.
When a person responds to a stimulus (irritant) more than average/more than an average person would.
During breathing, what blood vessels connect the heart to the lungs and the lungs back to the heart?
Heart to lungs= pulmonary artery, lungs to heart= pulmonary vein
What are the tiny balloon-like sacs that look like bunches of grapes where carbon dioxide in the blood is exchanged for oxygen?
What is the main difference between conducting bronchioles and repiratory bronchioles?
conducting= air flow, respiratory= gas exchange
What kind of tissue is found in alveoli?
Simple Squamous
Which of the 4 main problems with the lungs does pnemonia fall under?
Gas exchange
How does respiration help with thermoregulation.
The air we breathe out is hotter than the air we breathe in, so we release heat with every exhalation. Dogs do this as their primary cooling system.