What is the more common name for Larynx?
Voice Box
How do lungs expand and contract whilst breathing?
Diaphragm squeezes letting ur lungs expand and expands letting air out
The usual breathes per minute by someone sleeping is 1. 12 - 15 2. 0 - 1 3. 25 - 28 4. 60 - 70
1. 12-15 breathes per minute
you have 2 naval cavities
True, one for each side
Where does food go down after you swallow it?
Throat or Pharnyx
What are the three main parts of your windpipe?
Trachea, Bronchi, Bronchioles
How do the vocal produce sound?
Moving air through your lungs vibrating your vocal cords
Can you live on only one lung?
Yes you can
Its better to inhale through your mouth because you get more air in one breath.
False, its better to breathe in through your nose because it filters the air
Where does the air you breathe get filtered, warmed and conditioned?
Your nose
Other name for throat?
how does water and food seperate from throat?
The esaphagus seperates them
The surface area of the lung is the same size as 1. a king size bed 2. frying pan 3. tennis court 4. soccer goal
3. tennis court
Is your left lung bigger than your right lung?
False, the right lung is bigger
The ability to yell, talk, sing etc.
Your voice box or larynx
What passes food and water through your throat?
How does the air travel up and down your windpipes?
When you breathe in the suction from breathing in through your nose and your lungs expanding puuls the air into your lungs.
How many litres of air does one person breathe in a day?
Around 11,000 litres of air are breathed in every day
Can food come out of your nose?
yes it can
The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide?
What exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide in the process of breathing?
How does the oxygen get into your blood cells
through you aveoli then into your capilleries
The fastest sneeze ever was 1. 53km/h 2. 77km/h 3. 23km/h 4. 167km/h
you lose around half a litre of water per day from just breathing (when you breathe on glass the vapor on that)
Where oxygen gets into your blood
The capillaries