Location of gas exchange
What is Alveoli
Inflammation of the bronchial tubes
What is Bronchitis
Main muscle involved in breathing
What is the diaphragm.
Can either be acute or chronic.
What is Bronchitis
Element we need in order to surive
What is Oxygen
Passage after the pharynx
What is Larynx
A chronic condition in which you need an inhaler
What is Asthma
Air Sacs
What is alveoli
Can be caused by smoking
What is emphysema
Substance that is exhaled after gas exchange
What is Carbon Dioxide
Location of the voice box
What is the Larnyx
Inflammation of the alveoli
What is Pneumonia
Main organ of the respiratory system
What is lung
A condition that causes excess and thick mucus secretion throughout the body
What is Cystic Fibrosis
Location that passage of air and other substances pass through
What is Mouth/Oral Cavity
Between the larnyx and the bronchus
What is the trachea
A genetic condition
What is Cystic Fibrosis
Structure that prevents food from entering the airway
What is epiglottis
Inflammation caused by inhaling foreign particules
What is Pneumonia
Whip like structures that remove dust and debris from lungs
What is cilia
Smaller bronchi
What are bronchioles
What is Emphysema
Thermoregulates the air on inhale
What is the nose/nasal cavity
An attack can be triggered by airborne substances, certain foods, bacteria and viruses that are usually harmless.
What is Asthma
Blood vessels associated with gas exchange
What are Capillaries