Why is this lesson important?
It is important as cadets will encounter many situations where they will be members of a team.
Understanding the responsibilities of a follower in a team will help cadets be more aware of what is expected of them and will be able to contribute to the team’s overall success.
know the job and be prepared
A good follower needs to be knowledgeable about the group’s goals.
An effective follower should be organized and prepared.
Your leader assigns you a task, but you think you know a better way. You ignore their instructions and do it your way instead.
You overhear false information being spread, but you don’t correct it because it doesn’t affect you.
(Bad – Misinformation can harm the team.)
A teammate corrects your mistake, and you thank them instead of taking it personally.
what is Cooperate With Others?
The members of the team must work together in order to accomplish a goal successfully and efficiently.
When people work together, far more can be accomplished than when they work alone.
accept other team members for who they are
It is important to be sensitive to other people’s wants and needs and to changes in these wants and needs.
Acceptance and understanding of individual differences will allow the group to communicate and cooperate.
You fail at an important task. Instead of feeling bad, you immediately focus on what you can do better next time.
(Good – Resilience and growth are key traits of strong followers.)
During a team task, you notice something going wrong but assume someone else will step in to fix it.
(Bad – Responsibility is shared, not passed off.)
You’re assigned a role you don’t feel ready for. Instead of asking for help, you try to handle everything alone.
(Bad – Not seeking help when needed weakens the team.)
What is Accept Constructive Criticism?
Observations or ideas on how to enhance the way a task was finished are known as constructive criticism.
Team members will frequently receive constructive feedback from their leaders.
The purpose of this criticism is to help people grow as team players and ultimately leaders.
Members need to develop the ability to accept this criticism and apply it constructively.
Assume responsibility
Members of the team should be ready to take charge when necessary.
The team leader frequently assigns tasks to team members, depending on their readiness and willingness to assume responsibility.
Your leader gives an unclear order. Instead of asking for clarification, you follow it exactly as stated, even though you know it won’t work.
(Bad – Good followers seek clarification rather than blindly following.)
A teammate has a habit of interrupting others. Instead of calling them out, you start interrupting them to make your point.
(Bad – Poor behavior shouldn’t be countered with more poor behavior.)
Your superior gives you an order that goes against your ethical values. You follow it anyway without questioning.
What is Respect the Leader and Other Team Members?
One useful skill is the capacity to collaborate with others in a team.
An excellent quality is a genuine regard for other people.
Respecting what the team leader asks of them is essential to becoming a productive team player.
Respecting the opinions and viewpoints of the other team members is equally crucial.
Be Honest
Members of the team must be truthful with one another.
The majority of individuals will trust someone and wish to collaborate with them.
An essential quality of a good follower is honesty.
Members of the team must be honest and trust one another in order to accomplish goals.
You receive harsh criticism from a senior cadet. Instead of reacting, you focus on what parts of the feedback might be useful.
(Good – Growth requires handling feedback maturely.)
You disagree with a decision but go along with it. Later, when you’re proven right, you remind everyone you warned them.
(Bad – Good followers support team decisions fully, even when they disagree.)
A teammate takes credit for your work. Instead of confronting them, you let it slide to avoid conflict.
(Bad – Allowing dishonesty can harm trust in a team.)
Why is it important to admit to your mistakes and learn from your experiences?
One needs to be able to own up to mistakes and grow from them in a collaborative environment.
The team will become stronger as a result, and the result will be better.
communicate clearly with others
A follower must be able to understand and communicate with the leader and other team members.
Communication works in two directions, listening and speaking. The ability to listen to others is essential in
receiving correct information and implementing the strategy outlined for the team.
Your leader is micromanaging a task you know how to do well. You decide to ignore their instructions and complete it in your own way.
(Bad – Disregarding orders without discussing concerns is not good following.)
You were doing something bad and your supervisor repeatedly told you to stop. However you continue to do it anyway. Your supervisor scolds you in front of the team. Is this your fault and why do you think they did this?
A. They were biased against you and hate you
B. They want you to reflect on your actions and be a better individual.
C. They are jealous of you
A teammate points out your mistake in front of others. You tell them it was inappropriate to correct you publicly.
(Good – Feedback should be given respectfully, not in a way that embarrasses others.)