Responsibility at Home
Responsibility at School

What does it mean to be responsible?

Proving you can be trusted with what is expected of you


Tell 3 ways you can be responsible at home

Clean up after yourself, care for pets, take out the trash


Tell 3 ways you can be responsible at school

Complete homework, put materials away, listen to teacher's directions


You get home from school and have a snack each day before doing your homework. When your homework is done, you have free time to play. How does this show responsibility? 

Parents can trust you to complete your work without being told to do it


What would the world look like if no one was responsible?

People wouldn't follow rules, set good examples, or feel motivated to help others


Name 3 ways you can show responsibility with pets

Feed them, bathe them, brush them, take them on walks, play with them, etc.

Your parents have agreed to let you take clarinet lessons at school. What kind of responsibilities come with learning to play an instrument?

Clean your instrument, be respectful to the teacher training you, arrive to lessons on time


Your mom trusts you to be responsible to brush your teeth each morning and before you go to bed. Sometimes you remember and sometimes you don't. Now you have a dentist appointment. What are you thinking.

I should have brushed my teeth. The dentist is going to know and will tell my parents.


Do you enjoy taking care of things (plants, animals, people...)? Why?

Feels good to help others and you can have a sense of pride for taking care of things


Do you have chores that you are responsible for at home? What do you do?

Dishes, laundry, sweep the floors, take out the trash, clean your room 


Your friend really wants to make good grades but is having a tough time keeping track of papers to turn in. What advice would you give him/her?

Take good notes, write down assignments in a planner, talk to teacher


You promise to help your neighbor in the yard but a friend comes by to ask you to play. You apologize and tell your friend that you already made plans. How does that show responsibility? 

Even though playing with a friend sounds like more fun, you decided to help your neighbor because you already said you would.


Every job has responsibilities. Can you think of some careers that might have a high level of responsibility?

Doctor, police officer, principal, teacher, pilot, nurse (all jobs!)


Have you ever taken care of a younger brother/sister or neighbor? What kinds of responsibilities did you have?

Provide food for them, entertain them, clean up after them, make sure they do their homework if it is after school


You borrow your friend's game at recess and accidentally break it. What's the most responsible way to handle this situation?

Be honest and tell friend, apologize, and maybe offer to buy another one

Your mom has asked you to help her clean out the garage on Saturday but your friend asked you to go to the movies. What would you do?

If your mom asked first, help your mom first and then go to the movies if you have time. 


Imagine that for a day, your mom and dad do not take care of any of their responsibilities at home. What would happen? How different would things be?

Be late to school, home wouldn't be clean, you and the pets would be hungry, someone else would have to help with the responsibilities 


Your sister has a goldfish. She's supposed to feed the fish and clean its bowl. You noticed that the bowl looks dirty and hasn't been cleaned for several weeks. How could someone's responsibility or lack of responsibility effect their pets?

Pets could get sick if not taken care of and parents might not allow you to get more pets in the future

What kind of responsibilities do you think a teacher has?

Caring for students, creating lesson plans and teaching those lessons, grading papers, communicating with parents


You decide to have a lemonade stand this weekend to make some money. What kind of responsibilities would be involved in having a lemonade stand?

Getting parents permission to have the stand, making sure you have ingredients and supplies for lemonade, collecting money and giving customers correct change back
