Your Work
Laptop Cart
TPS Network
Digital Citizenry
The 2 things you need before using a computer.
What is permission from and supervision of a teacher?
Your Public folder.
Where should you store documents you want to share with others?
Carefully, and with 2 hands.
What is the best way to carry a laptop?
Because TPS computers are for TPS work (not to mention that teachers can remotely access your computer at any time).
Why should you not treat a TPS computer likes it’s your personal computer?
Because your work should be your work (not to mention that all a teacher has to do is Google any phrase to find out anyway).
Why is copying other’s work on the Internet and saying it’s your own a bad idea?
When you return a signed RUP.
When will you be allowed to log onto a computer?
Because other’s can access documents not kept inside your Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Movies, Music, or Pictures folders.
Why should you keep files in your pre-established folders?
The slot where you took the laptop from.
Where should you return the laptop you take?
Restart the program, restart the computer, ask a teacher.
What should you do if something isn’t working?
Using technology to in any way hurt or attack another person.
What is cyber-bullying?
It’s a contract to make sure you, your parents and TPS have the same expectations when it comes to your computer use.
What is an RUP? or Why have an RUP?
By logically naming them by subject and storing groups in logically named folders.
How should we keep our work organized?
Because it saves the battery life, money, and ultimately the environment.
Why should you plug a laptop in when you are finished?
Because we don’t want to pass something along in a Word document to someone on a PC.
Why do we have virus protection on our computers?
This is when it’s ok to share your password with others.
What is never?
By trying to be as thoughtful as possible about all possible outcomes.
How should I treat all technology at TPS?
By bringing a thumb drive with you.
How can you make sure that: A. your work is backed up and B. you can bring your work home?
Look for the green dot below Mac OS X title (just click on the info until you see network accounts).
What should you do before trying to log in?
Cause it slows down the entire school’s network, making it harder for other’s to work (especially the office).
Why can’t you stream movies at TPS all day long?
Your full name, your address, where you are at a given time.
What personal information is too personal to share on-line?
The Spider-Man quote that sums up the RUP.
What is “with great power comes great responsibility”?
Cause then we know that you can log in as you, and no one can accidentally delete your work.
Why do we take passwords secrecy so seriously?
When you see the login screen again after logging out.
When is it ok to shut a laptop?
You use the localmanaged user when creating something digitally intensive like a movie or picture book.
When should you not log in as yourself?
Because it can follow those being harmed anywhere, it can be altered and amplified by others, and no one can see their face or hear their voice.
How can cyber-bullying be more harmful than regular bullying?