Recently Released from timeout, this card is great for rank 3 decks.
Speedroid Terrortop
Triple Tactics Talents/Thrust (I am not mean)
Access Integration
Accesscode Talker
Dark Magic Attack
Dark Magician
Name a level 3 WIND Machine monster
The person who selected this category cannot answer.
ANy acceptable answer
This is the worst speedroid card that you have to play.
Speedroid Marble Machine
Fire King Island
Strange Trigger
Borreload Dragon
Rising Sun Slash
Number 39: Utopia
Name my favorite track from Yugioh Zexal Sound Duel 5
Every player with positive points must answer.
Zexal Sound Duel 5: Warriors of the Crimson World - The Barians
This anime only speedroid card prevents effect damage.
Speedroid Shuriken Hurricane
N t P B
Nibiru the Primal Being
Dichroic Mirror
Clear Wing Synchro Dragon
Flame Possession
Salamangreat Heatleo
Name a Yugioh Card
The winner deducts points from another player instead of gaining them.
I called Duckie out for accidently cheating at a locals for having this card and Crystal Wing on the field at the same time.
Speedroid Skull Marbles
Super Armored Robot Armed Black Iron "C"
Burn to Ash
Elemental Hero Flare Neos
Return from Limbo
Number C101: Silent Honor DARK
Curse of Ra
Nothing happened, actually. Have some points
This card was considered as a Speedroid tech until it was discovered no WIND winged beast has a good grave effect.
Harpie's Pet Dragon - Fearsome Fire Blast.
U N A a N O A
Until Noble Arms are Needed Once Again
Noble Justice
Destiny Hero - Dystopia
Recovery Shock
Number 53: Lion Heart
The answer to Speedroid for 100
Speedroid Terrortop
If you have seen Speedroid 100, -600
If you haven't, you gain the points.