Restart Mayhem
Chase Ambrose
Shoshanna and Joel Weber
Bear and Aaron

What happened at the start of the book?

Chase Ambrose woke up in the hospital with amnesia.


How did Chase get amnesia?

He fell off the roof and somehow survived.


Why did Shoshanna throw her ice cream at Chase?

Chase was acting friendly and Shoshanna didnt know why at the time, plus she hated him.


Why are Aaron and Bear so buddy buddy with Chase?

The trio used to be close before Chase had the accident.

Why does Chase Ambrose feel so guilty when he goes to school?

He learned that he used to bully people harshly.


Why does Chase's stepmom and Stepsister not like him in the beginning of Restart?

Because Chase was a menace to them.


Why did Joel tell Shoshanna and his friends to shut up?

Because they were all talking about how Chase had changed and it annoyed Joel.


Why did Aaron and Bear start picking on Chase?

Because he was being kind and hung out with the videography kids.

What did Chase do to Joel to make him leave to another school and earn him community service at Greybeard?

Chase, Bear, and Aaron had put cherry bombs in Joel's piano when he was going to play, effectively destroying the piano.


How did Chase hurt Joel at the starting of the book? 

Chase accidentally hit Joel with a fire extinguisher when trying to win a tug-of-war with Aaron.


Why is Joel so exasperated when him and Shoshanna are talking about chase after the accident? 

Shoshanna is being increibly grim towards Chase, talking about how she's going to put Chase in a wood chipper.


Aaron and Bear did something to make Chase run away crying. What did they do?

Chase confronted the two about the Medal of Honor, accusing them of stealing it from Mr. Solway, but instead, Aaron and Bear told Chase that he had stolen the Medal.


How did Chase escape with Mr. Solway's medal in the nursing home?

Mr. Solway rolls his walker fast at Bear, hitting him in the gut, making him hurt.


What did Chase's dad record Chase doing?

Chase's dad records Chase playing dolls with his little sister.

Why did Shoshanna take her name off the credits of "Warrior"?

Because Chase was a part of the project, and this was after Chase had accidentally hurt Joel.


Why were Aaron and Bear suspicious of Chase?

Aaron and Bear had thought Chase was holding back on them so he could get all the profits of the medal of Honor.


Why did the Webers hate Chase and his friends?

They bullied Joel out of the city.


Chase didn't defend himself, but he still got out free, how?

Mr. Solway burst in and told the judge that Chase had borrowed it for his and Shoshannas's video project, "Warrior".


Why did Joel hate it at Melton? 

Joel hates it at Melton because everything there is music based, and the fact he went to Melton to escape being bullied at Hiwassee.


Why were Bear and Aaron glad that Chase was going to court?

Chase had admitted that he stole the Medal of Honor, not Aaron and Bear.
